chapter eleven

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(A/N. I wrote this at four in the morning 🤩. I hope you guys are enjoying the story please leave a star or comments so this can get more reads❤️)

(y/n pov)

"Rise and shine, sleepy head." "Go away Darrel Shaynne Curtis." "Watch it little buddy. You gotta get up and go to school." "I'll go next year" I groaned and cuddled closer to Dally, who was fully under the covers groaning aswell. "Get up, or I wont let you be around Dallas for a month." "I'll become a mini Two-bit. It'll be total anarchy! Mickey Mouse everywhere! We'll fight in the name of Mickey Mouse!" I started laughing as Darry cracked a smile and shook his head. "It's too early to hear about that damn mouse, doll." Dally mumbled from under the blankets"Good morning Dallas." "Yeah, yeah man. We got cafwee?" "Yeah, but you ain't getting none unless you get her to get up and ready for school." "Ugh." Darry laughed and walked out of the room. I laid my head over on Dally and yawned, trying to go back to sleep. "Oh no you don't. I need cawfee." "But I don't wanna..." I pout and look up at him as he smirked and stood up, picking me up and holding me over the bed. "Final warning, doll." "Don't you dar-" He smiled and droped me onto the bed, walking over to the closet looking though my clothes before handing me a pair of ripped jeans and one of Pony's old cut offs. I couldn't help but laugh, it's shocking to know Dally really does have a sweet side. I got up and got dressed as Dally turned away and closed his eyes. "COME ON MINNIE!" "IM COMING MICKEY!" I laughed and went back to greasing my hair as Dally plopped back onto the bed.
"You guys are weird." "So are you, loser." He rolled his eyes and stuck his tounge out before getting back under my covers. "Come here, doll." "Hm?" I looked over at him while sliding on my beat up Chuck Taylors. He looked so cute when he's sleepy, it's unreal just... ugh why can't I stay in bed with him all day? I walked over and sat beside him. Dally smiled up a me, placing his arm across my thighs and sitting up, pulling me into a kiss. "Have a good day at school." "I love you, Dal." "I love you too, now get going before boss man skins ya." I laughed and got up, walking out of my room as he sent a wink my way.

School was boring. More boring then last year. Me and Mickey didn't have any classes this year so I really had to keep my eyes open. We had lunch together, and Pony was in there the same time we were, so I guess it's not as bad as I'm putting off. But still, I wish I could drop out like Soda did. I'm his twin so I should be able to. But not according to Darry... I was day dreaming per usual, something me and Pony have a bad habit of, but it was cut short when I felt Two-bit wrap his arm around me and pull me close to him. He only ever did this in public because he's protecting me from something or someone, any other time it's just for no reason. I lay on him all the time, but like I said, in public means protect at all costs. He did a whistle loud enough to alert the Shephard gang a few tables down from us. What the fuck is going on? I'm confused and starting to get nervous, especially when the Shepard gang came over and sat at our table. Tim sat on the other side of me "Hey kid." "Hey Tim" Curly sat by Pony and sent me a nod and a smile, while most of the of the Shephard gang either sat by Tim or Two-Bit. Some sat by Pony and Curly. I haven't been paying attention to the lunch room to figure out why I needed the Shephard gang's protection, but I'm guessing it's bad. Our gangs never team up, they're protective of me. A lot of people on my side of town are. But girls aren't common, and the greaser girls that are in our neighborhood are good for nothin'. They're worse then the guys, so noone ever pays mind to them, but I'm tuff like my dad and Darry, sweet like my mom and Pony, and look alot like Soda, but I also act like the other members of my gang, so I'm just a rare find at this point I guess. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" Tim kept his eyes on the far side of the room, no one said anything. I looked over to where he was looking then I realized why this was going on. There he was... it was Daniel. He wasn't hard to spot, he was tall with a decent bulid and long black greasy hair, but he fits in with the Socs, especially Bob's gang. "Fuck-" "You'll be fine, kid. Don't worry." Tim looked over and ruffled up my hair and went back to looking across the room. "Yeah, y/n we got your back." "Thanks Curly." Two-bit stayed quiet, his smile was gone and his eyes were cold and filled with hate. Daniel had spotted me and had started walking over. "We've got company boys" One of the Shephard members said. I scooted closer to Two-bit, but he removed his arm off me. God, do I have a bad feeling. "Hey, y/n." Daniel got up to our table and looked at me with a side smile. "Go away, Daniel." "What, you don't miss me?" he winked at me. "You heard the girl, get going." Two-bit said. Finally! God, it was good to hear his voice, even if he's mad... It's scary when he's quiet. "Or what, you Mickey Mouse lovin' freak?" I went to stand up, but I was pushed back down by Two-bit as he stood up. Next thing I knew, all the guys that were at the table were standing up, death glaring Daniel. A click of a few switchblades was heard as the whole room went quiet, all eyes on us. "I heard your little boyfriend killed a good buddy of mine." "He didn't do shit." "Oh, really? Is that so? Then why is Bob dead?" "Maybe your ugly ass face killed him." "Hey bitch! Watch who you're talking to!" I flinched. Two-bit noticed and placed his hand on my shoulder and whispered "You're okay Minnie, I got you." I just closed my eyes and went quiet. "You better love every moment you have with your little boy toy, cause he'll be back in the cooler before you know it, if he's not dead first." Daniel laughed, Tim clenched his fist trying to not punch him. "O-over my dead body will you hurt that boy Daniel." "Aww, what are you gonna do about it?" He reached across the table at me I leaned back, quick but not quick enough. Daniel was tough, but not smart I felt the coldness of a blade slide across my cheek and the warmness of the blood drip off my face and onto the table. Next thing I knew, Two-bit went flying across the lunch table swinging, and so did the Shephard gang. Swearing, yelling, and screaming filled the lunch room from every direction. I was going to jump in but decided it wasn't smart, so I watched while holding a napkin up to my cheek. By this point, the socs' were jumping in on the greasers, and we were getting outnumbered, so I ran and jumped into the mix, finding Two-bit. We fight better together then we do apart. He was on the ground with a guy punching him. I grabbed a lunch tray, hitting the boy upside the head, getting him off Two-bit and pulling him to his feet. "Let's do this, Mickey."
He nodded and we started swinging and teaming up on the socs'. This went on for awhile,until the socs' got away and took off. "THIS AIN'T OVER BITCH!" Daniel yelled taking off with the socs'. All I did was sigh I was covered in blood. My blood, other people's blood... Great start to the school year, huh?

The day went by fast, and by three o clock I was covered in bruises, cuts, and black eyes from the fight. "How was the rest of your day, Minnie?" "Painful." "I betcha, I'm hurtin' too." "Yeah..." Two-bit wrapped his arm around me as Pony stood to the other side of me while we walked out the front doors. I saw Daniel over by the fence, fighting with someone.... wait that's not just someone...
"DAL!" Now listen, Dally can fight, I'll give him that, but Daniel don't fight fair. Plus, Dally can't be getting into any sorta trouble. I ran from Two-bit and jumped the fence, knocking Daniel off Dally. "What the fuck is your problem, Daniel? Aren't you supposed to be rotting in jail?" "Oh, sweetheart I got out on good behavior." "Good behavior my ass!" Dally got up to his feet. "Hey, doll." "Hi baby." He smiled at the name and pulled me into a kiss, flipping Daniel off as he did so.
"You better watch your back,sweetheart. That "gang" won't protect you forever." He took off walking as Dally picked me up. "You okay, Dallas? "I'm good, Pony. Yeesh, you and Keith look terrible." "Wow, love you too." I laughed "There was a fight, and I jumped in to help Mickey." "Of course you did. Let's get you home and cleaned up."

Back at home, Darry was flooding me with questions for hours, and of course his little life lessons. But eventually, me and Dal had a moment to ourselves. We were outside laying in the backyard, looking up at the stars. "Hey‚ doll what's the deal with this Daniel guy?" "I was hoping you wouldn't ask that but uh......... He's a grease but got in with the socs, and an abusive asshole amongst other things. He's the reason Darry is protective of me against you. Daniel beat me up pretty bad one night while he was drunk, he had his way with me then threw my almost dead body into the street. Johnny found me, it wasn't a good sight... He still has nightmares over it." I sighed. "You were in the cooler for who knows what. So, I never got around to telling you 'cause I always just forget about the whole thing." Dally was quiet. "You shouldn't have had to go through that, doll." "It doesn't bother me much anymore." "But you're my girl now, and I'm always going to protect you." "I love you Dallas Tucker Winston." "I know you do.. I love you too y/f/m/n Curtis."

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