Chapter nine

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a/n: I started crying writing this so i wish you luck.


I woke up in a cold dark hospital room it was quiet…  way too quiet. Darry was asleep in a chair next to the bed, but there was no sign of Pony or Soda. "What... What happened?" I held my head and groaned, looking over to my brother, who was now awake and looking at me.
"Easy there, little buddy."
"What happened Darry? Where's Soda and Pony? How's Dally? Did Johnny get hurt?" "Woah there, one question at a time kiddo… You got kicked in the head during the pile up. Soda and Pony went home to get some sleep…" He was silent for a moment. "What’s wrong?" "Dally is in the room next to us getting stitched up... but uhm once he's stitched up and gets some rest, the cops have to pick him up and... you know what happens then." "What?! No! They can't do that!" "Little buddy, you know the agreement just as well as I do. If he got in any sorta trouble whatsoever, he would be back in the cooler until the trial." "This is bullshit!"  Darry's eyes grew big. He rarely heard me cuss, and when he did it always shocked him.  "I know y/n." I sat up, whining in pain before slowly making my way out of the bed. "You need to get some rest, y/n." "I wanna go talk to Dallas." Darry just looks at me. “What's going on between you and Dallas, y/n?" "Nothin'" I said quickly. "I just don't want you to get hurt, kiddo." "I said nothing was going on." I heard Darry sigh as I slowly made my way to Dally’s room, opening the door to see him fighting with a nurse. Laughing quietly, I leaned up against the door frame as the nurse walked out.
"Good luck, he must be the damn devil." "the devil is an understatement, sweetheart," The nurse sighed and walked away as I walked over and sat next to Dally. "Heya, doll." "Hey, Dal.” He smiled and scooted over, pulling me down beside him as he wrapped his arm around me. His body grew less tense. Hmm, who knew physical contact like this is what calms Dally down? "Hey, Dal?" "Yeah?" "Nevermind…" I cuddled up closer to him, relaxing myself. I guess I dozed off for a few seconds... well more like a few hours, cause when I woke the hospital was colder than usual and strangely quiet. Worse then when I first woke up. "Dal? You awake?" "Mhm, your brothers just left..." "They saw us cuddling, huh?" "Soda somehow knew," he laughed. "Ugh, I hate when he does that. What did Darry say?" "Said if I hurt you, he'll skin me." "Sounds right, don’t it?" Dally didn't answer. I rolled over slowly and looked at him, seeing hurt fill his eyes. "Dally?" "Doll... You know I'm probably going to be going away for a while…right?" Tears filled my eyes as I nodded. He took off his necklace, placed it  around my neck. “Keep it this time and uh... take this too.'' He handed me his ring that he thought the world of and closed his eyes.  I knew what he was thinking... his ex Slyvia always two-timed him when he was in the cooler, and deep down I think he was scared that I might do the same. “Hey..." "Hmm?" "I love you. I'll wait for you, I promise." "I know, but you can't blame me for worrying." "I know…" We spent the rest of the night in silence, both eventually falling asleep. Well, that's until I heard the fuzz come, in trying to get dally to let go of me so they could haul him off. I couldn't take this. Maybe before I would have been fine with it. Really, I woulda laughed, but not now. Not ever again, "D-don't take my Dal." "Miss, we have to."
"Don’t. Take. My. Dal."
I heard dally laughing. I never make sense when I first wake up. The gang finds it funny. I do not. His grip loosened on me, that woke me up somehow. "It's not his fault! It was them damn socs that started it, and you know it. But you guys won't ever do shit to them, cause their daddy's probably pay you guys so they don't get in trouble!"
I held on to dally tighter until they pried me off of him. Dally grabbed my hands so I wouldn't throw a punch. "Don’t do it doll. Jail is no place for you... just stay outta trouble for me. I'll be out soon…hopefully." "I can't lose you." "I know you can't but you gotta stay strong for Johnny ‘till i get out. Make sure he don't get hurt."  By then I was crying, I couldn't get a word out, so all I could do was nod. "I love you y/n.” ".... I love you too baby."  A small smile came across his face as he gave me one last kiss before they took him from the room, and with that... Dally was gone.

a/n pt2 This chapter is short. Im sorry‚ but i thought this would be a good place to end it.

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