chapter ten

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(A/N Oh hey guys long time no see I'm so so so so soooo sorry I haven't updated but I've been going through alot of stuff in my home life and with my boyfriend but I'm back for a few so sit back in relax it's about to get good)

(y/n pov)

A year has gone by. Every day seemed to be getting longer without him around. I was laying upside down on the couch, messing with Dally's necklace that now also holds his ring. It's the end of summer break, and I'm off work at the DX today. normally, if I'm not busy, I choose to just stay in the house instead of running with the gang. It's peaceful not hearing them hollering and breaking things. I love them, don't get me wrong, but sometimes you just need a break. But, of course, the break was cut short. The whole block could've heard them yelling and howling, especially Steve. Johnny can also be pretty loud too, when he wants to be. I closed my eyes and sighed as they all came running in, Steve jumping over the chair and running to the kitchen while the gang followed. Someone laid down beside me, but I didn't even bother to look over and see who it was. "Is this how couches are used now, doll?" "Yeah they are now, Dal," I started laughing before going quiet. "Wait..." I opened my eyes and looked over, seeing Dallas Winston himself laying beside me. "DAL!" I fell off the couch and got back on my feet as he stood up. I looked at him before wrapping my arms and legs around him. "There's my girl." "Hi Dal." He held on to me as I stayed wrapped around him. Time seemed to be at a standstill. Being back in his arms once again, I finally felt alive, like I had a purpose again. "y/n...y/n!" "What, Ponyboy?" "Don't forget, school starts tomorrow." "Shut your trap, and don't remind me!" Dally laughed, "Fiery, huh doll?" I groaned and smiled as I looked up at him, allowing him to place a kiss on my forehead. "Good. Maybe she can stop being sad all the time and get a life." Steve blurted from the kitchen as the gang laughed. "I take it you missed me doll." "Whaaaat? Why would I miss you?" "Just a thought." He smiled slightly and set me on the couch, laid down beside me and placed his head on my lap. "Hey, Dal?" "Yeah doll?" "Could we go somewhere tonight? Just me and you? I... really did miss you." "Anything for my girl." I smiled as he leaned up for a kiss. which, of course, was cut off by the drill sargent, I mean Darry. "No funny stuff, you two. And I mean it. I'm still not all for this, and one slip up Dallas, and all this is done. You understand?" "Yeesh superdope, I just got back and you're already being protective. Listen, I'm not gonna hurt the girl, man." "You heard me. I mean-" "Darry berry..." I looked over at him with puppy dog eyes as he shut up and sighed. "You're my kid sister. I have a right to worry." "I know, but still just let me learn on my own." "The last time I did that..." "Dal won't do that, and you know it... he has a sweet side... and he knows you would kill him." Darry cracked a smile, "You're hardheaded, you know that? Sometimes I think you're Two-bit's sister instead of mine." "Oh, shut your trap! I'm not that bad." "If you say so. Oh, and Dallas? You better have her home before eleven. It's a school night." Dally looked at me and then to Darry. Dallas fears Darry but would never let him know that. "I'll have her home man." "You better. Or me and the gang will skin ya." Dally just nodded and sighed as Darry walked away. "Why don't you go get ready, doll?" I smiled and pushed him out of my lap, then walked to my room to get ready.

"So doll, where to?" He looked over to me, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. I wasn't even paying attention, I still couldn't believe it was really happening. "Huh?" "Where do you wanna go?" "Oh, uh the lake." I smiled and leaned up against him as we walked into town. Eyes seemed to be looking at us from every direction. Of course, the socs weren't happy because, well, they're dicks and Bob was some sorta leader. I slid my free hand in my pocket, holding onto my blade incase some wise guy came along. Dally definitely can't get in anymore trouble, this whole trial thing ain't over, but they can't find anything against him because new evidence keeps coming up, proving him innocent. But it's same as it always has been; you get in trouble, you're thrown back in the cooler. Some soc threw a glass bottle, nearly hitting me, causing Dally to turn around quick. "Hey! Fuckin' watch it, you rich asshole!" "No, pal. You watch it." That sounded familiar... really familiar , it dawned on me. It was Randy. "Randy, go on somewhere." "Oh, hey y/n. How's it going? Great to see your face again." "Oh, blow me, ape face." I stood in front of Dally, keeping his hand in mine. Randy rolled his eyes, "Watch your back, Winston." Randy smirked and walked away, but stopped as he heard a click of a switch blade, causing him to turn around to see my blade in his face. "Keep your mouth shut Randy. And don't threaten my boyfriend again, or you'll be seeing your friend Bob real soon." "Fiery... Daniel always liked that about you." He walked away again as I sighed and walked back over to Dally. He kissed my forehead and pulled me along before the fuzz showed.

The lake was peaceful. We sat on the dock, looking at the moonlight reflecting onto the water. "Doll?" "Yeah, Dal?" "What do you think is going to happen to me?" I was silent for a few minutes. "They'll prove you innocent, and then we'll grow old together and stuff." He laughed a little. "You wanna grow old with me?" "Well, yeah... I love you Dallas Tucker Winston." I smiled. I was tired, and laying on him is comfortable. "What if they send me away for a long while, doll?" "I'll wait for you and I'd there when you got out of the cooler." He shook his head, "You're weird." "So are you." I yawned and started falling asleep without even realizing. "Come on doll, let's get you home." He picked me up and we headed home.

Once we got there he laid me down on the bed, took off my shoes and then laid down beside me and wrapped his arms around me. And with that, we were both out like a light.

edit credits: CallMeTurg27

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