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HIIIIII i did NOT expect so many people to cry over this story im so sorry (not really lmao) but thank you thank you thank you for all the love and support i never thought i would get so far with this i come from a house where picking up a book is weird and writing is even weirder and i have been told by the household that this wouldn't go anywhere. so you're support really means alot to me. im working on a new story called "Cigarettes and Daydreams" and its going to be a Rollercoaster its been in the works since December 19th 2021 and im finally decideing to do something with it my friend is a huge huge part of it without her it wouldn't exist so go show that some love and support as well because that story is my baby.

💛 Stay gold 💛 ~ Dizzy Winston

in trouble with him (Dallas Winston x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now