chapter seven

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a/n hi i'm so so sorry this took so long I've been dealing with mental issues and my partner never gives me a moment peace to write.


I woke up the next morning to the sounds of the gang yelling and running around the house like a bunch of idiots. Darry was trying to get Pony up for school. He tried to get y/n to go to school today, but of course she won. He can never say no to his kid sister. Two-bit was on the floor, already drinking beer, Steve was poking Johnny just to get a reaction, while y/n was fighting with Soda, who was only wearing a towel. I sighed loudly, knowing this was about to be a lot to get used to. I gotta get out of this house before I go insane. "Y/n!" "Yeah Dal?" "C'mon, you're going with me today."

(y/n pov)

"C'mon, you're going with me today." Dally yelled from the living room as I snatched the last of the chocolate milk Soda and I were fighting over and ran. "Where to?" "You'll see, doll." I walked over to him and smiled as he walked out the door, waiting for me to follow. "So Dal... Where are you taking me?" He smiled and wrapped his arm around me as we walked. "Well, I was thinking we could grab some food and a movie." "Why does that sound like Dallas Winston is taking me on a date?" "Maybe he is, maybe he isn't." I felt my face getting hot. Never in a million years did i think Dallas Tucker Winston would be taking me on a date...or, well i think it's a date. Knowing him it is, but you can never tell with this man. "Is that alright with you, doll?" "Uh... yeah. Sure sounds nice, Dal." "Good." He leans down and kisses the top of my head as I smile softly. "Where to first?" "Well, I was thinking we could go to the diner, then to the movies, and maybe we can walk to the park, and then go from there." "That sounds... nice'." Dally sighs in relief. " I was scared you were gonna think it was cheesy." "In my defense, you're always cheesy." "Is that so, doll?" " is." I laughed as he cracked a smile and shook his head. "If you say so."
"I do say so, that's why i said it." "You're feisty today, huh?" "Only because you're a pain in my ass!" He shook his head and pulled me into the diner, finding us a spot to sit. "So, why is the one and only Dallas Winston being so nice today?"
"What? I can't treat a girl to some food and a movie?"  "Well, yeah. But you're never nice!"
"I am too nice!" "Name one time you were nice." "I broke Two-Bit's arm instead of his neck!"
"Well, yeah. But, it would make more sense if you didn't break Two-Bit at all!"  "Yeah, yeah." "I'm just saying Dallas." "Mhm." I laughed as the waitress came over to take our order, and surpise surpise, it's the same one as last time.
"Hey handsome."Dally sighed. "Listen, I wasn't interested the last time. What makes you think i would be this time?" She sat down beside him, placing her hand on his upper thigh, causing dally to make a face showing he was clearly uncomfortable. "I get off work soon, how about me and you grab a few drinks?" "I think I'm gonna have to pass. Now, will you get your hands off of me?" She squeezed his thigh and smiled, causing him to jump. I put my hair up and got up out of my seat, grabbing her by her hair before she had time to process what was happening. I threw her onto the ground and put my knee in her chest, causing her to struggle for air. "He said hands off lady! He ain't just some fucktoy you can use cause you can't get any! Now, when i get my knee off of you, get the fuck up and out of my sight, or I'll put your slutty ass in the hospital. Do you understand me?" The girl nodded as I stood up."Go!" She jumped up and took off running, as I sat back down looking at Dallas. He was looking at me like he was trying to find my soul."What?"
"Nothin' doll." "Mhm."
A different waiter came over and took our orders, and eventually brought our food out. We didn't really speak another word until we left the dinner, but hell was this awkward silence killing me. "Thanks back there doll." "You don't have to thank me Dal."
"And why not?" "Cause I wasn't about to let that chick do that to you. Now, let's just drop this, okay?" "Yeah." The rest of the night ended up being quiet, just a word here or there. I'd glance over at Dally, seeing him look at me with a slight smile every now and then. I had this feeling in my stomach, if i had any sense of a billy goat I'd say i had caught feelings for Mr. Dallas Winston, but that's more then impossible. How could I like him? Better yet, how could a guy like him like a girl like me? "Earth to y/nnnn!"
"Huh?" I say quietly, sitting down by a tree once we reach the park. Dally sat down beside me and, of course, laid his head in my lap. I felt a faint blush on my face as he looks up at me. "You okay doll?" "Yeah, just thinkin'." "You're always thinkin', kid." "Yeah, I know." "What were you thinking about?" Before I could come up with a lie, my mouth spoke before my brain did. "You." "Me!?" I realized what I said, as the blush grew across my face even more.
"Why would you be thinking about me, f/m/n Curtis?" "You'd call me crazy if I told you." "Give it a shot doll." "Well, I think I'm in love with.... you."  Dally laughed before looking at me."Oh wait. You're being for real?"  "...Yeah." I smiled softly wanting to stab myself, or go lay in the middle of the train tracks. "Well then..." he laughed nervously and sat up. I pouted very slightly, thinking 'Good job y/n, you ruined it! You ruined the moment! Dally hates you now! He probably only sees you as Darry's kid sister. Why did you have to say that? You could have said anything else but that!' My thoughts were cut off as I felt his hand on my cheek, and his lips pressed softly onto mine. Golly, were my face and ears red. I kissed back without hesitation. He pulled away after a few seconds and looked me dead in my eyes, for once his eyes didn't look full of depression, or hate and anger. They were full of hope, like he had something to live for. He smiled, I had never seen him smile like that. Any other time was a half smile, or just a fake smile."C'mon doll, let's go home. It's late."
He stood up, picked me up and carried me bridal style. The walk home was quiet, quiet enough for me to almost doze off in his arms. Until Dally finally broke the silence. "You're my girl, understand doll?"I smiled sleepily and nodded my head. Dally's girl... I liked the sound of that.

Edit credits CallMeTurg27

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