chapter four

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a/n: sorry for the wait wattpad kept deleting this chapter heads up this one is alittle different but just hang in there

(dallys pov)

I walked to the window, peaked through a crack, and saw two-bit's car "hide." "what?" y/n look at me confused "it's two-bit. you gotta hide." "how the hell did he find us?" "i don't know, but just grab your bag and go over there." she groans but nods before grabbing her bag and hiding out of sight. as i saw two bit get out of the car, i plopped down on a bench. a few seconds later,i hear foot steps from behind me. "heya, dallas." "hi keith, what are you doing here?" "i came to see ya." i looked at two-bit as he sat down beside me. to save the boring details we talked for a bit, so on and so forth. "so man , when do you plan on coming back?" "i don't know yet keith... when all this shit blows over. i didn't kill that boy, you know that." "i know you didn't dal, but its not helping matters none if you're hiding." "i know that man, but its pointless trying to defend myself when i'm known as the trouble maker of tulsa." "thats a fair point there dallas, but its worth a shot. you got me, y/n, and the whole gang on your side." i watched as he stood up and stretched. i guessed he was about to leave "i know...." "just come home soon, okay? we miss you." all i did was nod before he walked out the door and back to his car, sitting there looking at the church for a few seconds before driving off. i could have sworn i seen a few tears fall down his face."you can come out, doll." "good, it's dusty back here" i chuckled as she came out of hiding covered in dirt and dust. "have fun, y/n?" "shut your trap." she playfully pushed me and smiled. "oh, is that how you want to play? huh?" "uh oh." i gently tackle her to the ground and pin her arms above her head. "get off me fatass!" "nope." she laughs as i leaned in, so if either of us talked our lips would graze across each other. she looks at me, her face turning red, not saying anything. i smirked and stood up, pulling her up with me her front side right up against mine. i placed my hands on her waist.
"would you look at that? you're blushing over the one and only dallas winston." "no i'm not. why would I ever blush over you?" "i don't know, but you sure are blushing." she got away from me and sat on the ground, crossing her arms."no i'm not!" "whatever you say, doll."

(y/n pov)

i just sat there and looked at him. my face was burning up, i was blushing, i felt butterflies in my stomach, my palms were even sweaty. i'm not falling for dallas. i can't be falling for him! how on earth could ANYONE fall for him? he's extremely annoying, but there's just something about no. no. don't go there y/n, don't even go there. "doll? you okay down there?""huh?" "you okay?" "uh yeah... im fine." "sure you are." he sat down and laid his head in my lap and yawned "you mind doll?" "go... ahead?" he smiles softly and closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep. that gave me time to study his facial features. he looked so peaceful when he slept. it was unreal to say the least.

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