chapter fourteen

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It's been years since the deaths of Dallas and Johnny. The gang stuck together the best we could. Soda and Steve went to war (they should be coming home soon!), Pony graduated highschool and became the first greaser to go to college to become a doctor, I still live with Darry with mine and Dally's son Johnathan Tucker Winston (named after Johnny and Dally). Who the hell knew it was that easy to get pregnant? I was never the same, really, after Johnny and Dally died. But, I'll manage. I've got a five year old I have to take care of so I have to be okay, even though Darry helps me when I need it. "Y/n?" "Yeah Darry?" "You want me to take the kiddo to school?" "We're going to Dal's grave today, so no." "You need me to go with?" "I'll manage." I rolled over and got out of bed, sliding on dally's jacket and walking to the kitchen to see JT Eating breakfast." "Hi mommy! Uncle Darry made me breakfast!" "He did? Did you tell Uncle Darry thank you?" "Yeah!" "Good." I grabbed some chocolate milk and some cake, sat down and ate that for breakfast. I could still hear Dal's voice saying 'You Curtis kids and your chocolate...' I laughed a little as my kid looked at me. "Why you laughing mommy?" "Just thinking of something your daddy would say... But finish up we're going to see Uncle Johnny and Daddy today." "Yay!!" I smiled as he got up and ran to his room to got ready. I went to mine and changed out of my PJs, putting on one of Dally's shirts. I put his jacket back on and straightened his necklace  that held his ring. I put my hair grease in and slid my shoes on and walked back out the door. "Comd on Jonathan Tucker!" "I'm coming!" He came running, holding two pieces of paper. "What's that baby?" "It's a note for Daddy and Uncle Johnny, but you cant read it!" "Ohhh, okay." I smiled. "Let's go."

We pulled up to the graveyard, I got JT out of Darry's truck and he took off running. "DADDY!! UNCLE JOHNNY!! I CAME TO SEE YOU!" I laughed and shook my head, walking up to the graves. They were buried beside each other, so I sat between the them, laying my head on Dally's tombstone I whispered "Hey, baby." Tears rolled down my face as it felt like he was sitting beside me. I looked over at Johnny's grave and said "Hey Johnny cakes..." I started crying harder who, ever said 'greasers don't cry' has never experienced this. It hurt worse then my parents death. "Mommy? Why are you crying?" "I just miss your uncle and daddy a lot..." "Maybe you could go see them soon!" "If it was only that easy baby, but I see them in my dreams and they told me to tell you they love you very very very much." He gasped and sat next to Johnny's grave "Really?" "Yeah!" "Well I love them very very very much!" "They know. Did you give them their letters?" JT nodded.  We stuck around for a little bit. He told Dally and Johnny about kindergarten and everything he's been doing, it felt like they were there with me. I know johnny would have loved his nephew, and Dally would have loved his son, even though he didn't like kids.

The house was packed when we got back, Two-bit, Pony, and Darry were all there. It felt like old times ."UNCLE MICKEY'S CAR! UNCLE MICKEY'S CAR!" JT jumped out of the truck and ran onto the porch, waiting for me to open the door. When I did, I heard two voices I haven't heard in five years.
"No way..." "What is it mommy?" "C'mon, hurry!" I took off running to the kitchen, seeing Soda standing there with a smile on his face as he saw me. "Hey sis!" I ran and tackled him to the ground in a hug, latching on to him almost crying. We laid there for a few minutes before Steve walked in. "There's the missing Curtis twin, how you been y/n?" I jumped up and jumped into Steves arms, hugging onto him as he spun me around then sat me down. "Mommy? Who's these guys? Why does that one look like you?" "Well, the one that looks like me is your uncle Pepsi Cola!" "The hero from your story that was off saving the world?!" "Mhm! And this is your uncle Steve!" "He's the other hero!" "Hear that? She's done got the kid thinking we're heroes." JT smiled and hugged Soda and Steve... And with that we were all back together, minus the ones we needed the most...

(a/n thank you so much for sticking through on this journey of writing this story I will hopefully be writing another story here soon but I really appreciate it for all the support and thanks to my Patrick stump to my Pete Wentz CallMeTurg27 for editing all of this. I will write a bonus chapter here soon but until then this is the end. and always remember. stay gold 💛

(editors note: aw shucks :) and yeah thanks for all the support on this story that i was very lucky to have been a part of!! can't wait for the bonus chapter :D stay gold!! 💛)

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