Chapter eight

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                                                                                     (Y/N POV)

"Run Dal! Run!" Johnny yelled out as Dally took off running down the street. "Don't let 'em catch ya!" Steve yelled while stuffing his face with cake. All the gang was hollering for him to run. As for me? I was the one chasing him with a very large stick. See, the thing about me is that i hate being woken up so early, especially knowing it's a school day. And definitely don't wake me up telling me you ate the last piece of cake. "Get back here Dallas! It won't hurt too bad!" I yelled out as he started laughing "Gotta catch me first doll." I picked up my speed. I'm a fast runner, like Pony, we both made track, but I was still tired. I eventually gave up with running and threw the stick at him, hitting him in the back of the head. Too the gang couldn't see us. "Ow y/n." He holds his head and falls to the ground, laying still. Instant regret hits my stomach as I ran over to him, dropping down to my knees. "Dal? Dallas... Come on man this isn't funny." He remained still and quite as I started tearing up. "Fuck." I mumbled to myself thinking the worst. The next thing I knew, I was crying, thinking I killed the boy I loved. He must've heard I was crying, because soon enough he was laughing while pulling me on top of him, softly planting a kiss onto my lips. "I was just messin' around doll, don't start crying." I opened my eyes looking into his... they grew bigger almost like a puppy's "I hate you, Dallas Winston." "I know you do... I'm sorry doll I didn't mean to freak you out." "Yeah, I bet." "No, really. I'm sorry..." Golly did I wanna be mad at him, but I just couldn't be. Hell, it looked like he was wanting to cry as well. "Fine, I forgive you." "Really?" "Yeah...." He smiled slightly before kissing my forehead. "Let's get back before the gang thinks we eloped and ran off to Mexico... or that I killed you." "Yeah, you gotta head to school soon too doll." "Oh shit, school. I've reached my skip day limit with Darry." "You better get ta' going then." I jumped up and took off running back to the house, looking behind me to see that I'm now being chased with the stick. Man oh man, is the gang going to get a kick out of this one. "Here comes the hobos!" Steve shouts as he watches me hop the fence, looking back to see Dally still chasing me with the stick. "Run y/n!" "I am running Johnnycakes!" I laughed and ran inside spotting Darry, I already had a plan in mind. "Darry berry, save meeee!" "What's wrong little buddy?" Right when he said that, Dally came running in with the stick, looking at me as Darry made his way in front me. "Dallas Tucker Winston, why are you chasing my kid sister with a stick, especially in the house?" "Uh..." He dropped the stick and looks at me as I smirk. "I'm waiting for an answer Dallas." I laughed quietly before finally speaking up. "'Cause I did it first" Darry turned to look at me. "And why did you do that?" "He woke me up two hours early just to tell me he ate the last slice of cake..." "So, we have no cake?" "Mhm." Dally slowly started backing up to the door. "Bye doll." He winked at me and took off running out the door. "Just go get ready for school." "Okay-" As I ran up to my room to get ready for school, I could hear Darry dragging Pony off the bed and onto the floor. We ended up having to be a few minutes late to school because Two-Bit was taking forever, but at least we made it. 

The school day was slow per usual. Socs being socs, greasers being greasers. I walked over to my locker, not noticing Two-Bit sneaking up behind me. "Hey, grease." Two-Bit says , deepening his voice as I just shook my head, knowing who it was. I opened my locker "Hey, Mickey." "Awh, no fair Minnie! How'd you know it was me?" "Because, I know you." I threw all my books into my locker and shut it before turning around looking at him, seeing a slight pout on his face. "Fine, you spooked me a little bit." He smiled and wrapped his arm around me, roughing up my hair "Awh come on! Not the hair!" I groaned and swatted at his hand. "Now you know how it feels, y/n." "Oh, heya Pony. How was school?" "It was great!" He smiled as I looked at his face to make sure the socs didn't get to him today. "Come on, let's head home." As we all began to walk towards the door, a group of socs motioned me over. "I'll keep my eyes on 'em." Two-Bit said as he stopped dead in his tracks, watching me make my way over. "So, you're Dallas Winston's girl, huh?" How did he know? No one else should know but me and Dally. Hell, I haven't even told Soda, and I tell soda everything. "So what if I am? Why does it matter to you?" "Oh my, how could a girl like you be with a murderer like him?" I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration, some habit I picked up from Darry. "He didn't do it." I mumbled, trying to stay calm so no fights broke out. "What was that sweetheart?" "I said he didn't do it." "Yeah, okay grease keep on thinking that. You know you can't protect him forever." "Yeah well, I can protect him from scum like you." The soc looked me dead in the eyes. His eyes were as cold as the bottom of the ocean. "You can try." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." By now I was pissed. I could feel the anger building up inside of me. Next thing I knew, BAM! My fist hit the boy square in the nose. Man, is Darry going to kill me for this one. "See you around asshole!" I walked away, staring at his blood on my hand. "Nice swing kiddo!" Two-Bit smiled and wrapped an arm around me, as we all walked out of the building. "Darry's going to kill you, y/n." "Oh, don't I know Ponyboy. Don't I know." I ruffled his hair and he swatted my hand away and stood beside me, so I was in the middle of him and Two-Bit. Man, this is going to be fun to explain when I get home . 

"You did what?!" "I uhh I punched a guy..." Darry pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. I'd already told him the reason why, but I think he just can't believe I punched a guy. I was prepared to be yelled at. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if I was skinned alive. "Good job y/n." "Huh? What?" I looked at Darry, confused. He was joking... right? He had to have been joking. "I'm not saying punching the guy was good, but you stood up for Dally when the world was against him." I smiled proudly but it was cut short, as Johnny and Steve ran in. "It's a pile up! We got to go!" Steve yelled as he and Johnny booked it, as the rest of the gang jumped up and took off running after them. A pile up is when someone gets jumped and there's too many people to fight off. Well, at least that's what we call it. We reached the location, you could hear Dally yelling and cussing trying to fight off ten (?!) socs. Holy fuck this was a big'un. We already knew how this worked, we all fought our way into the middle so we could be by Dally. As the socs surrounded us, we were still outnumbered, but not by much. At this point we might as well called it a mini rumble. We all started punching and swinging, before I spotted someone familiar in the crowd. The boy I punched earlier. His ass is mine. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, punching him in the nose again and hearing the bones break. I felt him punch me back in the chest, causing me to gasp for air, and let go of him, holding my chest. He looked at me and smirked before knocking me to the ground, kicking me in my ribs and neck. "Darry!" I yelped hoping he could hear me and get me out of this mess, but he didn't. The boy kicked me hard in the head, and everything went blurry. My ears started ringing, shit shit shit! I'm down, and there's no hope in getting up. I was about to black out as I saw someone run and jump over top of me knocking the boy away. Who was it? I tried looking, but it was too late. I had passed out

edit credits same as usual just not letting me tag him

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