Chapter six

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a/n: long time no see huh but anyways I have no clue what I'm doing anymore so please bear with me sorry

I quickly got dressed in my black shirt and ripped jeans, throwing some hair grease into my hair, combing it back, then digging around for a good five minutes looking for my chuck taylor's. Once I found those, I took off running into the living room, seeing dally talking to johnny. "I'm ready dal." "Took you long enough doll, I was starting to think you got lost." "Aw, shut up." I playfully stick my tongue out at him and smile before walking out the door, standing on the porch lighting a cancer stick, and waiting for Dally."You know those can kill you right, miss?" "Oh really? I didn't know that." "I figured so, since you're smoking one." I shook my head as he started laughing, then walked off the porch "Hey, wait up!" "Well catch up, slowpoke."I quickly walked to him and stood by his side as we walked to the diner."So, how was the gang while I was gone?" "A pain in the ass." "So, nothing new?"  "Oh no, they're worse now. so much worse."  "I don't think that's possible, doll." "That's where you would be wrong. let me lock you in a room with all of them for five minutes and see how long you last." "Yeah, I think I'm going to pass on that." He took his arm and wrapped it around my waist as we walked, I couldn't help but relax into his touch. "So y/f/n Curtis.. what did you do while I was gone?" "Oh nothing really. Dealing with the socs, and taking care of Johnny. Me and Two-Bit beat Johnnycakes' mom half to death with a broom." "You did what with a broom?" "You heard me boy!" I laughed quietly and started playing with his necklace. "That's one nice looking necklace. Where'd you get it?" "I got it from some grease." "Well, he must have good taste. Can I see it?" Before I could answer he takes the necklace off and puts it back around his neck, straightening it up. I pouted slightly, shoving my hands into my pockets. "Aw look, little miss Curtis getting upset cause she doesn't have the necklace now." "I'm not getting upset!" "Then why are ya pouting?" "I'm not!" He pulls me into the diner laughing quietly."I can walk, Dallas." "I know, but this is more fun." "I hate you." "Keep telling yourself that" I rolled my eyes and sat down at a booth, as he sat Infront of me. The waitress came over and took our orders."You're a cute one, aren't you?" "Uh yeah- thanks lady...".  "Awh come on, don't be embarrassed!"  "I'm not, I'm just not interested." The waitress scoffed and looked at me as I shrugged. I laughed as she walked away."What's this, Mr. Winston not being interested in a chick? Who are you, and what did you do with Dallas?" He rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out at me"Aw come on, y/n. I'm not attracted to every girl I see. And plus, there's this girl that's caught my eye." "Oh? And who might this mystery woman that has Dallas Winston himself in love?" "It's not really Important..." "Aww, Dal has a crush!"  "Shut your trap." I playfully stick my tounge out at him and smile. The lady eventually brings out our milkshake and hands him her number. "Call me some time, handsome." "Listen, I'm still not interested." "You might change your mind." She goes to sit next to him. "Listen lady, he said he wasn't interested. back off and leave him alone. or do you need me to help you out?" I crack my knuckles and put my hair up, before she gets up and quickly walks into the back of the restaurant. "Thanks y/n."  "Yeah, yeah." I pick up my straw and shoot the wrapper at him, watching him shake his head and shoot his wrapper back at me before placing the straw into the milkshake. I do the same and we both start drinking it. Next thing I know, I start laughing."What's wrong with you over there, doll?" "What the hell are we even doing?" "...Drinking a milkshake?" I laughed and some of the milkshake came out of my nose "Owww!" Dallas snorts quietly while laughing "Be careful over there, doll."  "Shh!" I go back to drinking the milkshake, looking up at him every now and then till we finished it off. "Where to now, Dal?" "It's getting pretty late, maybe I should take you home." "Noooo, not yet!" "Whyyy?" "Because." "Fine, let's walk around town." "Okay!" I stood up, looking out the window seeing a lot more socs around then normal. Oh, this definitely can't be good. "Hey Dal?" "Hm?" "Can we walk to the bridge?" "Yeah, sure." I smiled slightly and followed close beside him as we walked out the door. "HEY GREASE!" "KILLER!" "PIECE OF SHIT!" All the socs started yelling and throwing things. I saw many emotions fill Dally's eyes as I grabbed his hand and took off running, dragging him behind me until we reached the bridge. I sat down on the bridge, letting my feet dangle and pulled Dally down beside me. We sat in silence for a few moments before I heard a sniffle come from Dallas. I looked over at him to see a few tears roll down his face. I have never seen Dallas Winston cry, I don't think any of the gang has, except Johnny."Hey... dal?" "Yeah, y/n?" "You okay?" he scoffs softly "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I could tell in his voice that he was trying to fight back more tears. It broke me seeing Dally like this. I didn't say anything else, I just slowly pulled him into a hug. He slowly hugged me back. I could tell he was still crying but I didn't say anything. After a few minutes he pulled away and looked at me as I wiped the tears from his face."i didnt even kill the boy! It's like I'm not even allowed in Tulsa anymore." "People are just assholes, Dal." "I'm not even allowed at Buck's anymore..." "What!? Why?" "Said he didn't want his name wrapped up in all this." I mumbled something under my breath before looking back at him, "You can stay at my house." "I don't think Darry would like that." ''Darry's mean, but he'll understand." "You think so?" "Yeah..." i shivered from the cold night air and laid down on to the bridge "Where's your coat, stupid?" "Pony's borrowing it. He left his at school." Dally playfully rolled his eyes before taking his jacket off and handing it to me. "I'll be fine Dally, you'll get a cold." "Take it before I change my mind." I took his jacket, wrapped it around myself and yawned."Hey, Dal?" "Yeah, doll?" "...Did you mean to kiss me before you left?" "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't mean it, y/n." I smiled slightly, slowly dozing off."I love you, Dal." "I know, doll."

"i know, doll." I smiled slightly as she dozed off, scooping her up in in my arms, holding her close to keep her warm. She looked so peaceful with a small smile on her face. I ended up sitting there for a good thirty minutes, playing with her hair."Let's get you home, doll."I stood up, being careful not to drop her, she wrapped her arms around my neck and mumbled something quietly."Shh, you're okay. We're almost home." The rest of the walk was quiet. Once I reached the house I saw Darry sitting on the porch, I guess waiting for y/n to get home."Yo, Superman, can you give me a hand here?" "Uh, yeah. Sure." A slight smile came across his face as he took her into his arms."You headed to Buck's?" "Nah, I'll probably just sleep in the lot." "You'll get sick, Dallas." "I'll be fine, Darry." "It wasn't a concerned sentence, it was a 'get in this house and sleep here Dallas'." "I'm fine." "I wasn't asking." y/n must have woken up from the talking."Please Dal." she said tiredly, while cuddling up to Darry. "I- Fine." I sighed in defeat and walked inside with them."Goodnight, meanass." she waved to me as Darry carried her to her and Soda's bedroom. "Goodnight doll." I sat in Darry's chair, propping my feet up on the coffee table, letting my thoughts get to me the way they did in the cooler. "I have to make her my girl."

edit credits: CallMeTurg27

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