chapter thirteen

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It's been a few days after that phone call. We've all been on our toes. And, we came up with the dumb idea of splitting up to make it harder to find us. I've been shacking up at Buck's with Dal, while Soda is shacking up with Steve and Darry, Pony's been staying at Two-bit's, and well... poor Johnny is with his parents. We've still been trying to make sense of that phone call, but I've had extra protection recently, between people at Buck's protecting me (even just to walk downstairs to get a beer) because I'm Dally's girl, or the Shephars gang protecting me at school. 

It seems I'm safe, but what about the rest of the gang? "What you thinking about doll?" Dally said, wrapping his arms around me as I was getting dressed to go to school. "The usual. Now, will you move so I can get my shirt on?" "Aw c'mon, I like what I'm seein'" he smirked and winked before letting go of me and slapping my ass. "Dallas. Tucker." "Fine, fine. Save it for later , I know." "Ugh. I can't stand you." "That's not what you said last night." "I changed my mind." I laughed, got dressed, and put some grease in my hair. I walked out the door and downstairs as Dally followed me. "Be safe out there, kid." "Always do, Buck." We did finger guns to eachother and he went back to cleaning. Dally grabbed Buck's keys off the bar counter and walked me outside, opening the car door. "Such a gentleman." I laughed "Yeah, yeah." I got in as he shut the car door and slid across the hood to the driver side, getting inside and driving off. We stopped and checked on each of the gang members, picked Two-bit and Pony up for school, and headed that way. The car ride was quiet, we were scared to go to school, but the rumble was in a few days, Greaser vs soc. Word was spreading through our school like a wildfire, so if we wanted information it was our best option.

School was slow and nerve-wrecking. Two-bit walked up behind me, hoisting me up on his shoulders. "Mickey! What the fuck are you doing?!" "Nothin' Minnie" He laughed and sat me back down so I could open my locker. A small piece of paper fell out, reading 'Welcome to hell, bitch. One down. Who's next sweetheart? I guess we'll find out at the rumble.' I dropped the piece of paper and watched Two-bit as he picked it up. I ran out the door, Dal was outside of school with Pony waiting for me and Two-bit 
"Hey, doll." I dove into the passenger seat as Two-bit jumped in the back. "Woah, slow down. What's going on?" Two-bit threw the paper at him as Pony looked at us confused. "Fuck..." He started the car and took off driving. "Where first?" "I don't know, Dal." I pleaded, looking out the window as we drove past the DX. "There's Soda and Steve, they're safe." "... Johnny." "What pony?" "Go to Johnny's first. I have a feeling something bad happened." "Don't say that... god, don't say that." Tears started rolling down my face as we sped to Johnny's. When we got there, Two-bit and I jumped out of the car before it even came to a stop, and ran up to the door. The knob was broke off. Dal came up behind us and pushed us out of the way, running inside. "Johnny?" The house was quiet when I walked in, but I spotted something Dal missed... blood. "Fuck." I took off running into Johnny's room as my heart stopped and I screamed.
There laid Johnny, covered in blood from a stab wound in his chest. Everyone came running in and froze. Pony latched onto me,crying as I wrapped my arms around him. Dally's eyes went colder then ice as he punched the wall. "Don't die on me man!" I reached out and took Dally's hand, but he pulled away and tossed me the keys, kissing my forehead.
"I love you doll." And the next thing I knew, he was gone. "Mickey, take Pony. I have to call the cops... this is -" "Okay..." Pony and Two-bit left as I sat there, looking at my best friend's lifeless body. "Damnit Johnnycakes... why did it have to be you?" I called 911 and walked outside, waiting. I was crying harder and harder by the second. The cops and ambulance came and I gave them the note and told them everything that's been going on. Come to find out... Daniel escaped from jail with the help of someone on the outside. They caught the guy who killed Bob... it was Randy. Bob's best friend. But the murders were still tied together. The only question was... "Where's Daniel?"

it's been a few days since Johnny's death. I never leave mine and Dally's room, even though he hasn't been here in days. It was the night of the rumble, one of ours was dead so we're going to fight till we dropped. I threw some hair grease in my hair and tied it up in a ponytail, looking in the mirror and sighing. I caught a glimpse of Johnny in my mind, he was smiling. I took a deep breath, trying not to cry. Greasers don't cry, or well that's what we say. Buck knocked on the door. 
"Come in." The door opened as he walked in. "You ready to go kid?" "Yeah.. I'm ready. "Let's hit it"

It was pouring down rain, the only light we had was just a half-bright street light, and a bonfire. My gang was the first gang to arrive, well minus Dally. Steve, Soda, and I howled and hollered random nonsense just to pass the time. Then came the Shephard gang rolling in. A few other gangs showed up after that. Tim walked up, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "You doing alright there, kid?" "Ah, shoot Tim, I'll live. I'm a Curtis, I'll survive." He chuckled and shook his head ."Curly always said you and Pony was the good ones." I laughed at that remark. The gangs all went quite as the Socs pulled up and we formed a line. I stayed beside Two-bit. We always fought good together, like I've said. There was a stand-off between Darry and some dude named Paul. "What's the deal?" Tim leaned over to me and Two-bit "They used to buddy around ." "They played football together." Me and Two-bit answered as we watched the stand off . "I'll take you." Paul told Darry. They started circling each other like two wolfs waiting for the first move. "DONT YOU KNOW A RUMBLE ANIT A RUMBLE WITHOUT ME?!?" Dallas yelled, running towards us. And with that, a punch was thrown and everyone started fighting. Me and Two-bit stuck to each other like glue, fighting side by side. We were taking out socs one by one. Eventually, the socs took off running . "WE WON!!!" Me and Two-bit screamed. Dally came up beside me and pulled me into a kiss. "Hi doll." "Dal-" he smiled slightly‚ sliding off his jacket and handed it to me ,  kissing me one last time. "I love you y/f/m/n Curtis." "I love you too Dallas Tucker Winston, but why does this sound like a good bye?" "Because it is... I have to keep you safe." "From what baby?" 
Before he could answer he shoved me to Two-bit and we both hit the ground at the sound of a gunshot. Dally looked over at me with a slight smile. I looked up... it was Daniel. Dallas knew his plan, he figured it all out. There was another gun shot, but this time Daniel hit the ground. He had pulled the trigger on himself. I screamed and crawled over to Dallas, pulling him into my lap and grabbing his hand, squeezing it as he gasped for air. "Please don't leave me baby! I need you!" I spoke between sobs as he chuckled slightly. "You'll be fine, doll." "N-no I won't! I need you! I love you! Don't leave me, Dallas!" "I love you too.." His breathing went shallow and he took his last breath, his hand loosing his grip from mine. "Dal.. DALLAS! PLEASE BABY PLEASE DONT DIE!!! FUCKING WAKE UP!!!" But it was of no use. Dallas was dead, and mentally... so was I.

(a/n. oh my god I'm fuckin sobbing there will be one more chapter after this so please keep reading. )

(editors note: i am screaming, crying, throwing myself on the floor. this broke my heart omfg.)

edit credits: CallMeTurg27

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