chapter twelve

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Two-bit came running through the front door. "Anyone home?!" "In here, Mickey Mouse!" I yelled from my room. Darry won't let me go to school, or leave the house without a gang member. Two-bit came running in my room, covered in cuts. "Woah, what happened to you man?" I jumped up, grabbed the first aid kit from under my bed, and pulled him beside me. "Daniel and his goons jumped me." "Of course." I sighed and started cleaning his wounds. "Look, Minnie. Daniel is crazier then he used to be‚ I think he had something to do with Bob's death or he's on something. Maybe both." "Huh?" "Yeah, it sounds crazy. But... it makes sense." I finished cleaning him up and put the first aid kit back under my bed. I laid down as Two-but laid beside me and sighed. "Minnie... I'm scared that you or one of us might be next." "Me too..." Two-bit isn't one for a serious talk, let alone not cracking a joke. So for him to be saying this? It must be bugging him pretty badly.
"C'mon let's sleep on it. We'll talk to the gang about it later." Two-bit nodded and sighed again. I rolled over, laid my head on his chest, and wrapped my arm around him, slowly falling asleep.

"So let me get this straight. You two think Daniel has something to do with this?" Darry looked at us with an eyebrow raised. "Yes!" Two-bit and I said at the same time. Everyone looked at us like we were crazy, but at the same time I think they believed us. We went on to explain what we were talking about, and then-
'CRASH!' A bottle came flying through our living room, with a rag shoved in it. As you can probably tell... it was on fire. We all sat there looking at it in shock, before Dally shoved me into Soda's lap and jumped up. "EVERYONE HIT THE FLOOR!!" It dawned on us. It was about to blow. Dally kicked the bottle away from us, not having time to get it outside, or for us to make it outside. We all hit the floor as our kitchen went up in flames. At this point, none of us knew what to do. We probably had plenty of enough time to get out of the house, but we didn't really think of that. "Everyone outside!!!" Darry yelled as the gang jumped up, hurrying out the door. Everyone... but Dally. He ran towards the kitchen as the flames grew bigger. "COME ON BABY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I ran back to the door. "Go doll, I'll be fine I got to get this fire under control. You really wanna be bunkin' with Two-bit? " Dallas cracked a smile and went back to putting the fire out, but the flames kept getting bigger. "Fuck it." I went to run into the house to help him, but Soda pulled me back. We both hit the ground. Crackles and pops could be heard coming from the house. I never took my eyes off Dally. I had to make sure he's safe... then there it was.. A loud bang came from the house as Dally let out a painful scream. A flaming piece of wood had fallen on top of him. Where? I don't know. The house was totally covered in smoke.
"DALLAS!" His screaming continued as Soda held me tighter so I couldn't escape. I started freaking out, hyperventilating. Then, everything slowly went blurry. God damn, what a perfect time for my anxiety attacks to come back. This usually means I'm about to pa~

I woke up a few hours later in a hospital waiting room, laying in Darry's lap. I felt him playing with my hair. "Hey little buddy." "What happened?" "You mean after the fire?" "Uhh, yeah that.. sure." I groaned, cuddling up closer to my brother. As crazy as things seem in my life, he's my safe place.  "Well, you passed out from your anxiety attack. The fire got put out before our whole house was gone... But we're going to have to rebuild the kitchen." "Dal- How's Dallas?" I could care less about our house right now, and he knew that. He just wanted to be a smartass. I swear I hate that side of him sometimes.
"Hmmm Dallas.. Dallas? Don't know a Dallas, little buddy. "Darrel Shaynne Curtis. I hate you and I pity myself. Why do I have this curse of you being my brother?" He chucked and cracked a small smile. "Dallas is fine, he just burnt his arm. Should be fine before the rumble." "Rumble?! There's gonna be a rumble?!" My eyes lit up. I love a good ol' fashioned rumble. God, the last rumble was forever ago. "I wanna be in it! Let me in it darry queen!" "Eh, i don't know-" "Oh come on, sarge! It's skins! It would be different if it was chains or something." Steve chimed in, walking back over from flirting with a nurse. "Yeah, Darry. It's no different from me getting into fights at school. " "Fine. But if it gets bad, you beat it out of there." Steve and I smiled and howled.
"YOU TWO BE QUIET IN THERE!!" Dally yelled from down the hall, but you could hear him laughing. I shot up from Darry's lap and took off running to Dally's room, falling in the doorway. "Hi Doll." "Hi baby!" I smiled, got up, and sat beside him on the bed. "Couldn't stay away, huh?" "I can just leave..." I went to get up as Dally pulled me down beside him, wrapping his good arm around me. "And leave me all by my lonely self? How evil." "I'm the worst." I smiled, giving him a kiss. He pulled me back into another kiss, deepening it within seconds. He ran his hand through my hair. I melted into the kiss, not ever wanting to pull away. It felt like paradise. But, of course, that had to be cut short. The phone started ringing.
I pulled away and picked up the phone. "Hello, y/n Curtis speaking." "God, you sound like Darry right now, doll." "Shh... Hello?" "I see the fire didn't work." I sat up, my eyes widening in fear. I covered the speaker of the phone and whistled a high tone, alerting Darry and Steve to walk in. I placed my finger to my lip and picked the phone back up "What?" "You heard me, y/n. Plan A didn't work, so it's time for plan B." "Who is this?" "Cone on sweetheart, think real hard." "D-Daniel..." "Welcome to hell, bitch."  The phone clicks as the line goes dead. The guys were white as ghosts. And so was I.

(edit credits CallMeTurg27 )

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