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Reaping day came around quicker than ever and Knox couldn't shake the feeling of being marched to her death. Time seemed to be moving faster in the days since President Snow's announcement despite everyone wanting nothing more than for it to slow down.

That morning Knox awoke earlier than usual, she couldn't sleep knowing where she would be going the next day. She showered and got ready for the reaping. She wore a cream coloured knitted turtleneck sweater which she tucked into a pair of black trousers with a thick belt around her middle. For shoes, she wore a pair of black boots. Her short black hair was held up at the back of her head with a clip.

She had time before she had to leave so she made her way downstairs to spend her last few hours with her father.

When she reached the kitchen where her father was he had a sad smile on his face at the sight of her.

"Morning," she greeted and sat down beside him at the table.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"As good as I can be, considering." She brushed him off and had some breakfast. He didn't pry, he never did which she was grateful for because she hated talking about her feelings.


Checking the clock on the wall, Knox saw that it was almost time for her to leave, she would be going by herself because her father struggled to travel around the district in his wheelchair. She also knew she didn't want to see the look on his face when it all became real.

She knew she was going back in and so did he but the second her name is read from the slip of paper from the glass bowl the second it becomes set in stone and the possibility they will never see each other again will be all the more frightening.

Her father followed her to the door so he could say goodbye, she kneeled on the floor in front of him in the foyer and he gently took her face in his hands.

Tears glistened in his eyes as he took in her every feature like he wanted the image of her face in his mind forever. "I am very proud of you sweetheart, you are strong and brave and a wonderful young woman." He told her as the tears slowly spilt from his eyes and ran down his face.

"Thank you, dad." She smiled sadly at him but allowed no tears to spill.

"You come back to me alright? You come home, you are a survivor. So survive." He said softly yet his tone was firm.

"I can't promise that," she shook her head gently, "you know I can't promise that,"

"I know," he nodded solemnly, "goodbye sweetheart, I love you."

"I love you too, goodbye." She wrapped her arms around him as if it was the last time; and for as much as they knew it would be.


The citizens of district ten were gathered in uniform rows in front of the stage at the justice building. The atmosphere had a sense of foreboding about it like life had been sucked from it completely leaving nothing but a shell of a community.

Reaping day was always miserable but never quite like this. The only emotion in the air was sadness and Knox felt like it was going to swallow her whole.

The victors from ten were marched forward in a single line with peacekeepers at either end to keep them from running. But anyone with half a brain would know it was futile, to run would get you killed and that was why you were here anyway so there was no point.

The peacekeepers led them onto the stage, Knox stood at one side while the males stood at the other. There were only three male victors but each of them still had better odds than her. A 1 in 3 chance was better than a 1 in 1.

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