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The group of five continued through the jungle cautiously

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The group of five continued through the jungle cautiously. Katniss tossed small pebbles as she walked to show where the force field was so that they could avoid another incident.

Knox noticed the force field had begun to curve around slightly. She wasn't the only one as Katniss stopped walking, "hang on." She said,

Katniss put her bow onto her back and began to climb one of the taller trees. Knox, Finnick, Peeta and Mags waited below for her to come back down.

"The force field, it's a dome," said Katniss when she came back into sight, "we're at the edge of the arena, couldn't find any signs of fresh water."

"It's gonna get dark soon." Said Finnick.

"We'll be safe with our backs protected." said Knox, "we should set up camp. Take turns sleeping."

"I can take first watch." Said Finnick. Knox nodded but Katniss shook her head and scoffed, "Not a chance."

Knox stood up and turned to face Katniss, "Honey, you see that thing Finnick did back there for Peeta? That was called 'saving his life' if he wanted to kill either of you he would have done it by now." She said, "and if I wanted you dead you would have never made it out of the cornucopia." She smiled falsely at Katniss before moving to help Mags up from the floor.

Katniss swallowed and turned to Peeta, "why don't you get some rest? I'll take the first watch."

"Just for a little bit." Peeta said.


Night had fallen and Knox was sitting with her back against a tree with Mags's head resting in her lap as they tried to get some rest.

Knox was woken as the Panem anthem played and the sky lit up with the pictures of the fallen tributes. Mags stirred at the sound, Knox gently stroked the older woman's hair in comfort.

"Seven." Katniss said, referring to the number of fallen tributes. Finnick hummed.

There was a rhythmic electronic chiming from above them, a sponsor had sent them something. Katniss stood to retrieve the parcel being carried by the small parachute.

"'Drink up'?" She said, reading out the card.

"What is it?" Finnick asked.

"It's from Haymitch." Said Katniss as she examined the small metal device from the package, "I think it's a spile."

"A what?" Finnick asked.

"It extracts water from inside trees." Knox told him as Katniss used a stone to push the spile into one of the trees. For a moment nothing happened but then a steady stream of water began to pour from the spile.

"You're kidding me. You're kidding me." chuckled Finnick.

Katniss Frank some water then moved to allow Peeta to get some, "get some water."

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