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About a week later, Knox was sitting at the large table beside Beetee who was in his wheelchair; Plutarch and President Coin were discussing something in the corner of the dimly lit meeting room.  Knox had been caught up on everything that had happened since the Quell and now they were waiting for Katniss to be brought up from the Hospital.

The door opened and Katniss walked in, she was wearing a gray jumpsuit that everybody district 13 had to wear, it was like a uniform. "There she is," said Plutarch as he and President Coin walked towards Katniss "Our girl on fire. Madam President, may I present you with the Mockingjay."

President Coin shook Katniss's hand, "what an honor it is to meet you," she said, "You're a courageous young woman. I know how disorienting this must be.And i can't imagine what it's like to live through the atrocities of those games."

"Katniss," said Plutarch, making her look at him, "President Alma Coin," he said before sitting down opposite Knox and Beetee. Coin stepped closer to Katniss taking her hand, "please know how welcome you are," she said, "I hope you'll find some comfort with us. We've known loss in 13 too."

"This is history. Right here at this table," said Plutarch. Coin stepped away from Katniss and took a seat beside Plutarch. Katniss casted an uneasy glance towards Knox, having not seen her since the other day in the hospital.

"I apologize," said Coin as Katniss pulled her eyes away from Beetee in his wheelchair, "I wish you had more time to recover, but unfortunately, we don't have that luxury, please have a seat." Katniss sat down in a seat at the head of the table beside Coin.

"Are you aware of what's happened?" asked President Coin, "When you fired your arrow at the force field you electrified the nation." she explained when Katniss showed no signs of recognition, "There have been riots and uprisings and strikes in seven districts. We believe that if we keep this energy going we can unify the districts against the Capitol. But if we don't, if we let it dissipate, we could be waiting another 75 years for this opportunity. Everyone in 13 is ready for this."

Knox couldn't help but feel like Coin wasn't as trustworthy as everyone thought. The way she talked, the way she acted, it all felt too familiar and Knox didn't like it one bit. She felt like she was placing the weight of the world on Katniss's shoulders which was a much too heavy load for an 18 year old girl to bear.

"What about Peeta? Is he alive?" asked Katniss sharply.

Plutarch sighed, "I don't know. And I wish that I did." he said, "But there's no way for me to contact my operatives inside the Capitol."

"The Capitol has always suppressed communication between the districts." said Beetee, "But I know their system very well. I managed to break through. All we need now is the perfect message."

"Katniss, here's what we need you to do," said Plutarch, "We need to show them that The Mockingjay is alive and well and willing to stand up and join this fight.'Cause we need every district to stand up to this capitol the way you did." he explained, "So we're gonna shoot a series of propaganda clips, propos, i like to call them, on The Mockingjay. Spreads the word that were gonna stoke the fire of this rebellion. The fire that the Mockigjay started"

Katniss's voice was barely above a whisper when she spoke, "You left him there," she said, "You left Peeta in that arena to die." she spat.
"Katniss, there are so many..."

Katniss slammed her hand down on the table, cutting Plutarch off, "Peeta was the one who was supposed to live." she yelled.

"Katniss, Peeta wasn't the only one left behind," said Knox trying to keep her voice from breaking,  "We tried, okay? We-I tried."

"Miss Everdeen." said Coin, "This revolution is everyone. It's about all of us. And we need a voice."

Katniss leaned forward in her seat threateningly, "Then you should have saved Peeta." she snarled before standing up and walking out of the room.

President Coin turned to Plutarch. "Maybe you should have rescued the boy instead."

"Oh, no." said Plutarch, "No, listen to me. No one else can do this but her."

"This is not the girl you described," said Coin.

"Obviously, we need to make it personal." said Plutarch, "Remind her who the real enemy is,"

"She knows who the enemy is. That's not the issue," Coin insisted.

"Unless she's forgotten," said Plutarch.

"That's what the games do to you, Madam President." said Knox, "You come out a different person to who you were when you went in. To her the enemy right now is us, we left Peeta in the arena and she blames us, that's all she can see because it's what is right in front of her," she explained.

"There's explaining and there's showing," said Plutarch, "Let her see what the Capitol did to 12."
"She can't handle it, the games destroyed her," said Coin.

"This is the only choice you have," said Plutarch, "people dont always show up the way you want them to, Madam President. But that anger, that anger driven defiance, that's what we want. And we can redirect it. We need to unite these people out there that have been doing nothing but killing each other in an arena for years. We have to have a lightning rod." he continued, "They'll  follow her. She's the face of the revolution. Let her see it. Let her go home."

President Coin hesitated before answering, "Send her,"

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