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They could hear the impact of bombings even miles behind the actual conflict. As they walked through a desolate city street filled with rubble and broken pieces of debris piles up everywhere and thick black smoke billowing from shattered buildings Katniss spoke up, "I've never seen this place so empty." She commented.

"Just keep your eyes open," said Boggs, leaning the group with the holo held out in front of him.

Knox couldn't help but agree with her. The Capitol streets were always teeming with crowds of people in heinous brightly coloured outfits and obscene wigs and makeup. But now as they walked through the rubble there wasn't a speck of colour in sight.

The holo began to beep, causing Boggs to slow to a halt, holding his hand up to stop the rest of the unit.

He scanned the area and pointed ahead of him, "We've got a pod. Let's take cover," he led the unit to the other side of the desolate street and they crouched around a large statue. Boggs pointed at the space between two large buildings, "shoot between those two buildings," he instructed Katniss.

She stepped forward and positioned herself as Cressida instructed Castor and Pollux where to stand to get the best shots. Once she'd done she nodded to Katniss, "When you're ready Katniss,"

Katniss pulled one of her regular arrows out of her quiver and knocked it into her bow, aiming between the two buildings.

"Hold it," said Cressida, "Pollux tighter. Okay,"

Katniss let the arrow fly and the space between the two buildings immediately erupted into huge violent flames.

After a few moments, Boggs announced it was clear for them to continue.


The sound of a vehicle's engine approaching caught the attention of the unit; they'd taken temporary refuge in an abandoned building and weren't expecting company.

"Is that peacekeepers?"

Lieutenant Jackson picked up the radio to contact base command while the others stood and prepared for the worst.

"Stand down everyone," Jackson called out, "it's friendly."

The truck slowed to a stop as the group left the building. Knox lingered near the back with Finnick, unsure of what to expect. An unfamiliar man stepped out of the truck and walked round to the back, pulling open the doors.

Knox watched as a familiar blonde boy stepped out of the back of the truck, wearing the same gear as the rest of them. Katniss immediately pulled an arrow from her quiver.

It was silent as Peeta was led towards them, as he neared Knox could hear him muttering words to himself. Reciting them like prayers.

"My name is Peeta Mellark. My home is district 12. My name is Peeta Mellark..."

Once he'd gotten barely six feet away from them, Katniss raised her bow and Gale pulled out his handgun, "okay stop." He ordered.

Finnick stepped forward, "hold up. Everyone relax."

Knox smacked Gale's arm, "put that away," she snapped lowly before stepping forward, angling herself so that she was between Peeta and Katniss.

"What are we doing?" Gale questioned.

Boggs stared at Peeta for a moment before glancing back at Jackson, muttering something to her and then shifting his gaze to Knox, "Codie, cuff him."

Jackson procured a pair of cuffs from her belt and handed them to Knox.

Knox carefully stepped closer to Peeta, cuffs in hand, "This is just a precaution, okay Peeta?" He gave her a brisk nod in response, keeping his head down, "It's just until we get everything straightened out."

She gently wrapped her fingers around the boy's wrist and slid his hand through the strap, repeating with the other hand and pulling the cuffs so that they were secure.

"Come on," she placed her hand on his back as she and Finnick guided him back inside with them.

Finnick and Knox stayed by Peeta's side, the Leeg sisters staying nearby while the others discussed their next actions. Knox listened to the plans of adding Peeta to the propos and having an around-the-clock watch on him.


Knox was drifting in and out of a light sleep when she was awoken by Peeta's voice. His tone was a mix between angry and upset as he listed off all the things he'd been, "friend, lover, Victor, fiancée, enemy target, mutt. And now Ally?" He questioned incredulously, "Yeah I'll add that to the list of words I use to try and figure you out." Knox made her presence known by sitting up, shifting herself so that she was sitting with her back against the wall.

She noticed most of the others had been woken up by his rantings too.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, "I just can't tell what's real and what's made up any more."

"Then ask," Finnick spoke up, "it's what Annie does."

"Ask who?"

"Us." said Jackson, "we're your unit now."

Peeta was quiet for a moment, his eyes trained on the floor before he shifted them towards Katniss, though he kept his eyes on the space in front of her, "your favourite colour is green. Is that real?"

"Yeah," said Katniss, "that's real. Yours is orange." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Not bright orange. Soft, like the sunset."

"Thank you."

"You're a painter," Katniss continued, "you're a baker. You always sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in your tea. You always double not your shoelaces," she swallowed before standing up, "you were right. I can't do this,"

Knox watched as she walked away and sat down beside Gale out of sight of Peeta.

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