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It was time for the Tributes' individual assessments and they were all sitting in a room waiting for their names to be called. A couple of people were chatting quietly and whispering between each other. Knox sat silently, watching the clock on the wall.

"District 3. Beetee Latier." Said a male voice over the speaker, "Report for individual assessment." Beetee stood up and Wiress gave him a reassuring smile.

"Peeta, how are we going to kill these people?" Knox heard Katniss whisper behind her.

Haymitch had come to speak with her earlier about alliances. Katniss had specifically mentioned that she did not trust or like Knox but the girl's opinion of others meant very little in the grand scheme of things.

Knox, Finnick, Blight and Johanna had agreed that Knox and Finnick would get Both Katniss and Peeta out of the bloodbath safely as well as Mags while Blight and Johanna would get Wiress and Beetee. They would try to meet up at some point afterwards. The main priority was getting them out. Haymitch told Knox to come and see him the night before the arena so that he could give her something to show Katniss she was an ally in the arena.

She noticed Johanna lean back slightly and Knox leaned forward so that they could speak, "What are you going to do then Knoxy?" Johanna asked quietly.

"I'll decide when I get in there, It won't make a difference anyway," Knox shrugged, "and don't call me 'Knoxy'"

"Aw, I thought you liked it when I called you that?" Johanna teased. Knox rolled her eyes but she couldn't stop the corners of her lips curving up into a slight smile.

"I like your hair like this by the way. It's hot," Knox whispered in Johanna's ear before sitting up straight again.

As time went on the room became emptier as more tributes left for their assessments and Knox had nobody to talk to once Johanna and Blight both left.

"District 10, Enoch Rhodes." Said the voice over the speaker, "Report for individual assessment."

Enoch stood and left the room for his assessment. Knox wasn't as worried about her assessment as when she was fifteen. It didn't matter this time as the Capitol already knew her and she was a favourite of many so she did not need a good score to get sponsors so she decided she was going to have some fun with it.

"District 10. Knox Codie. Report for individual assessment." said the electronic voice from the speakers.

Knox stood up and left the waiting room. She walked down a short corridor towards the room that had previously been used for training. She passed Enoch on his way out but they didn't acknowledge each other.

After she stepped into the room the door automatically slid shut behind her. The new head game maker, Plutarch Hevensbee, was standing at the front of the observation box where all of the game makers were.

"You have 10 minutes to present your chosen skill." He told her.

She had gotten an idea as soon as she stepped into the room and as soon as Plutark finished speaking she immediately started.

She grabbed one of the Dummies and a pot of paint, she painted a name across its chest and a small 'x' in the centre of its face. She propped it up against the pillar that stood in the centre of the room and walked over to the weapon rack and picked up a katana.

She walked back over to the middle of the room and stood a small distance in front of where she propped up the dummy. She threw the katana with as much force as she could. It hits the small 'x' exactly in the middle and she hummed with satisfaction.

You are not usually meant to throw katanas, they are usually used for close-quarters combat, but she found that throwing them worked quite well for her.

She briefly glanced over her shoulder at Plutarch, who she saw had a small amused smile on his face, before she walked out of the room without being dismissed. Leaving the dummy with the name 'President Snow' written across its chest with the katana sticking out of its head.


Knox was sitting on the couch in the living area on the tenth floor with a drink in her hand after the assessment. Roland and Johanna were sitting with her chatting about the assessments when Venable came bursting out of the lift, illuminating the room with his neon pink suit.

"Knox!" he yelled, storming over to her, "Are you out of your mind!"

"Hello Venable, how are you?" Knox asked, acting innocent. Roland and Johanna watched amused.

"I am fine thank you," Venable said, calming down slightly before he exploded again, "but you certainly won't because I am going to kill you!"

"I don't think you are allowed to do that," She said. Venable's face had turned the colour of his clothes and he looked like he was about to scream, which he did. "I am going to throttle you young lady after what you pulled today. I'll be surprised if you even make it into that arena!"

Knox stood up, passing her drink to Johanna and put her hands on Venable's shoulders pushing him slightly, "sit down Venable." she said, pushing him into an armchair. Venable sighed deeply, "what on earth am I going to do with you?" he said, running his hand down his face.

"Don't act like you don't love it," Knox chuckled.

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