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Cressida led Knox and Finnick to the surface and directed them to stand in the centre of the rubble where president snow had dropped thousands of white roses atop the destruction

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Cressida led Knox and Finnick to the surface and directed them to stand in the centre of the rubble where president snow had dropped thousands of white roses atop the destruction.

"Okay, Finnick, Knox, go in the centre there. Those rocks," Cressida instructed, pointing to where she wanted them.

They had a chance to save the others but they needed a distraction, something to take up the air waves in the Capitol so they wouldn't notice the team rescuing the victors.

So Finnick and Knox were going to publicly reveal the truth about how the life of a victor had been for them. And Knox knew the second her father found out the truth his heart would break, but she had to do it.

They positioned themselves as instructed while Cressida organised her crew where she needed them to be.

"So we'll go straight to camera." said Cressida, "okay? Finnick? Knox?"

"Yeah," Knox nodded.

"Take your time. Just remember to keep talking and don't stop,"

Knox and Finnick shared a glance and Knox nodded for Finnick to begin first, "This is Finnick Odair. Winner of the 65th hunger games."

"And Knox Codie. Winner of the 67th hunger games." Knox said, keeping her voice level and calm, "and we're coming to you from district 13 alive and well,"

"We've survived an assault from the Capitol," said Finnick, "but we're not here to give you recent news. Instead were here to tell you the truth. Not the myths about a life of luxury. Not—"

"Not the lie about glory for your homeland," Knox continued for Finnick, "you can survive the arena. But the moment you leave, you're a slave." She took a deep breath before she continued, "President snow used to sell me. He used to sell us both. Or our bodies at least."

"We weren't the only ones." Said Finnick, "if a victor is considered desirable, the president gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them."

"If you refuse, he kills someone you love." said Knox, "so you have no choice but to allow yourself to be defiled and destroyed and used." As she spoke she felt Finnick take her hand behind their backs, "since the day I turned 16 years old, President snow had passed me around to the highest bidder and there was nothing I could do about it."

"To make themselves feel better our patrons would make presents of money or jewellery. But we both found a much more valuable form of payment. Secrets."

"Secrets a dangerous, you see, because you secrets can be used to break you. Secrets can be used as a weapon to ruin you." said Knox.

"See, we know all the depravity and deceit and cruelty of the capitols pampered elite." said Finnick, "but the biggest secrets are about our good president, Coriolanus Snow."

Knox ran her thumb across the back of Finnick's hand. the longer they stood here talking, the longer they had to rescue Annie, Johanna and Peeta.

"Such a young man when he rose to power." Knox commented, "such a clever one to keep it. How you may ask did he do it? One word. Poison." She revealed, "he stopped every mutiny before it even started."

"There are so many mysterious deaths to adversaries. Even to allies who were threats. Snow would drink from the same cup, to deflect suspicion. But antidotes don't always work. Which is why he wears roses that reek of perfume."

"To help cover the scent of blood from sores in his mouth that will never heal. But he can't hide the scent of who he really is." said Knox, "he kills without mercy. He rules with deception and fear. His weapon of choice is the only thing suited to such a man. Poison."

"The perfect weapon for a snake,"


Knox was sitting on the floor in an empty hallway alone. Her eyes scanning the grooves in the wall opposite her as she tried to keep her mind on anything except from the events that had happened tonight.

Snow knew about the rescue team in the Capitol and he had cut off their communication. Nobody knew what had happened to them or if they were okay.

Waiting in the unknown was far worse than any sort of physical pain.

She hasn't seen her father yet. She couldn't face him. Not after what she had revealed after keeping it a secret from him for seven years.

Katniss was hysterical, panicking that she'd lost both Peeta and Gale tonight in one fell swoop but Knox couldn't bring herself to look for the girl.

She was too focussed on the wall I front of her to allow any other thoughts in.

She pried her eyes away from the wall at the sound of wheels rolling down the hallway. Seeing the expression on her fathers face felt like someone had just punched her in the gut.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly.

Knox cleared her throat to steady her voice, "there was nothing you could have done. Telling you would just cause unnecessary pain and I wouldn't be able to live with that,"

"If I'd have known what that man had been doing to my little girl I would have stormed up to the Capitol myself and killed him with my bare hands," he fumed, "I'm you father, and I should have protected you."

"There is nothing you could have done," Knox shook her head, "if I had refused he would have killed you. I had to do it to protect you,"

"But it is my job to protect you. I'm the parent,"

Knox pushed herself up onto her knees and hugged her father, "it's okay."

Eli shook his head, "no it's not okay." His voice broke with tears, "how dare he do such a thing? My beautiful baby girl. How dare he?"


The rescue team had returned. Haymitch had come to find Katniss, Knox and Finnick to tell them and now the four of them had rushed up to the hospital wing hoping to see a familiar face.

When they entered, doctors and nurses were gathered around a bed but they couldn't see the person in it.

"I don't want that," the person snapped and there was a clatter as something was tossed to the floor.

Knox would recognise that voice anywhere. She rushed forward, the doctors stepping back as the the person ripped her IV out of her arm and was pulling off the medical tubes and wires attached to her.

"Johanna..." Knox whispered, almost as if she wasn't sure if she was seeing things or not.

"Knoxy," Johanna had grown thin and skeletal. Her face was shrunken and all her hair had been shaved off.

"Finnick!" Annie yelled as she lept out of her hospital bed and threw herself towards Finnick who lifted her up.

Katniss was still searching around frantically for Peeta as Knox approached the side of Johanna's bed.

"What did they do to you?" She whispered softly as she sat on the edge of the bed and gently grazed her hand on Johanna's cheek.

Johanna shakily took Knox's other hand in her own. She looked so broken. Knox couldn't imagine the horrors that she had gone through and endured.

"I'm so sorry Jo," Knox kissed Johanna's head and held her close, "I'm so sorry,"


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