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"There is no progress without compromise. No victory without sacrifice," began President Coin as she stood beside Katniss on the balcony back at district 13. They had just broadcasted the completed propo, "but I stand here with the Mockingjay to announce that our moment has arrived,"

She linked her hand with Katniss's and raised their conjoined hands eliciting loud cheers from the district.

Knox was standing with Finnick, her father, Katniss's sister and mother, Plutarch and Effie at the back of the balcony out of sight of the rest of the district.

Katniss joined them again as Coin continued her speech, "Beetee has increased our use of the airwaves tenfold. We will broadcast this message to all the districts tonight. The Mockingjay's words inspiring everyone to join the rebellion," Coin announced, "together we will become an alliance to be reckoned with,"

"You don't like hearing a fight song at a funeral, huh?" Finnick said to Katniss who had a pained expression on her face as the crowd chanted.

"The more people on our side the closer we are to Johanna, Peeta and Annie," said Knox.

Katniss nodded, "yeah,"


Knox traced circles on Johanna's arm as they sat together in Johanna's room in district seven. It was late at night but neither of them could sleep  so there they sat; Johanna leaning into Knox's side, head comfortably on her shoulder. Knox sat with her back against the headboard, holding Johanna close.

Knox had to leave in the morning, she couldn't stay in seven for too long lest President snow grows suspicious.

She turned her head to the side and pressed a soft kiss to Johanna's head.

Johanna lifted her head from Knox's shoulder and leaned forward to capture her lips.

As their lips collided smoothly, Johanna pushed herself up and placed her legs on either side of Knox's hips holding both sides of her face.

Knox placed her hands on Johanna's hips, gripping them softly as Johanna ran her hands through Knox's hair, still yet to break the kiss.

As they pulled away for breath Johanna pulled Knox forward by her shirt and trailed her hands down to the hem slipping her hands underneath before pulling it up over her head and tossing it off to the side.

Knox surged forward pressing her lips to Johanna's heatedly. She used one hand to support her own weight and placed the other on Johanna's back, pressing her close as she flipped them over, only breaking the kiss to pull Johanna's t-shirt off.

"Knox?" Johanna mumbled as Knox began to kiss along her jaw, "please don't leave me,"

"You know if I have the choice I wouldn't," Knox mumbled as she pressed soft kisses below Johanna's jawline, "you know id stay with you forever if it was up to me,"

Johanna placed her hands on either side of Knox's jaw and brought her face back above hers, "but you did," she mumbled before kissing her passionately. She gripped Knox's hips tightly with her legs so tightly that it almost hurt and flipped them over.

"What?" Knox questioned abruptly breaking the kiss as her head hit the pillow behind her, "what did you say?"

Johanna sat up, still straddling Knox's hips, "I said you did leave me," she repeated.

Confusion flooded Knox's entire being as Johanna kissed her again.

"Mm—" Knox broke the kiss holding Johanna's face a few centimetres away from her own, "I don't—what are you talking about? Why are you saying this stuff?"

"Because it's true," Johanna stated matter of fact-ly, "you left me,"

"I don't understand,"

Johanna brushed her hand across Knox's cheek making Knox grab her hand softly and pull it away, "Jo? Why are you acting strange? I don't understand."

Johanna sat back on her hips, lightly brushing her fingers over Knox's abdomen, "of course you've forgotten already,"

"Is this some sort of game you're playing?"

Johanna's expression turned sour, "of course you think it's a game. That's all everything is to you isn't it?" She snapped.

"Excuse me?"

"That's all I ever was to you," Johanna's tone was filled with venom, "just a toy for you to play with when you're bored."

"You know that's not true," said Knox, shaking her head, "I know you know that's not true. Why would you say that?"

Johanna glared at her with hatred and anger, "then why did you leave me?" She demanded, "why did you leave me in the arena to die?"

Knox's heart dropped.

"You said that if it were up to you you would never leave," Johanna spat, "but you did. you had the choice and you left me to die!"

Knox shoved Johanna off her and stumbled off the bed, "I didn't want to," she said shakily, "I-I didn't mean to leave you. If-if I knew what would happen I would have gone back. I swear,"

"You left me and now I'm being tortured in the capitol," Johanna accused, "you abandoned me there. It's your fault."

Knox shook her head rapidly, "no. No, I didn't do it on purpose. I-I'm trying to-to get you back. They-they have a team that is going to rescue you,"

Her words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Johanna continued to shout, "it's all your fault," over and over, "you left me!"

Knox stumbled back, away from the bed. Her back collided with the door and she fell through it.

Knox awoke with a start, thrashing around in her bed and breathing heavily.

"Knox, sweetheart?" She could barely decipher the voice of her father over the loud beating of her heart in her ears.

She pulled her knees towards herself and held her head in her hands, letting tears stream down her face as she breathed heavily.


"I left her behind," she whispered, "I left her there and now she's in the Capitol," she choked out a sob as she dragged her eyes over to her father who was lying in the bed that was pushed against the opposite wall, propping herself up on his elbows.


"Johanna," she managed to croak.

Eli shuffled back towards the wall behind him and lifted the blanket, "come here," he said softly.

Knox dragged herself out of her bed and slid in beside her father. He dropped the blanket over her and hugged her close, "it's not your fault." He soothed, "you hear me? There was nothing you could have done."

He wiped the tears from her face, "I promise you. I was watching okay? I know there's nothing you could have done," he kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer.

"I'm sorry I never told you about her," Knox spoke after a moment of quiet.

"That's okay," he said, "I understand why,"

"I-I think I might be in love with her," Knox whispered, sounding scared of her own words. Which she was.

"When she gets here make sure you tell her," said Eli, "you never know when you'll lose your chance,"

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