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It was time for the tributes to go down to prepare for the parade. Just like when she was fifteen, Knox was taken into a clinically clean room and scrubbed down, waxed all over, plucked her eyebrows and fixed her nails.

Once she was cleaner than she had ever been in her entire life, the stylists came into the room and dressed her in a ridiculous farming themed costume. Each year they seemed to get worse, her costume consisted of a beige spandex one-piece bodysuit with small details across the fabric that was way too tight and sat very low on her chest, a pair of tall brown heeled leather boots that attached to her belt which also had a translucent mesh train attached.

Her hair was pulled back out of her face and into a bun (the stylists added some synthetic hair to make the bun look nicer as her hair was quite short) with a single braid wrapped around it. They had also attached two small horns onto her head like those of a cow. They kept her makeup minimal and very bronzed.

When she was released by the stylists and allowed to step out of the room she heard her name being screamed out from above her on a balcony where the Capitol people were watching from.

She ignored them and proceeded forward to where the chariots were waiting. Enoch was yet to arrive, Knox liked to think he was throwing another tantrum. She knew he tended to act like an entitled brat ever since he became a victor and acted as if the world owed him something for killing a bunch of people on live tv. She wasn't a fan.

She walked up to the District Ten chariot and ran her hand gently down one of the horses' necks. 

"Long time no see, Knox," Said a familiar voice behind her. She turned around to face her friend with a cheeky smile, "Not nearly long enough, Finnick."

Finnick and Knox had become friends years ago, they each knew that the other was going through the same thing as them and they helped each other through it. They often saw each other in the Capitol, mentoring and on other occasions.

Mentoring was also how she met her other close friend, Johanna, though 'friend' was a loose term as sometimes they were a lot more than that; they never talked about it and it was always a secret that stayed between them but their friendship stayed the same as always.

Knox noticed Finnick looking at something over her shoulder and turned her head to see what it was. Standing two chariots away stroking a horse was Katniss Everdeen.

"I'll see you later," he told her before taking a sugar cube from a bowl meant for the horses. He walked away from Knox and towards Katniss.

Mere seconds after Finnick walked away from her Enoch joined her side. His costume was just as bad as hers if not worse. He looked her up and down with a smirk on his face making her glare at him.

A few moments later a voice came over the speakers, "Tributes, mount up. Tributes, mount up."

Venable ushered Knox and Enoch onto the chariot and forcefully conjoined their hands. Knox immediately pulled her hand away making Venable groan in frustration with her, "can you please just be cooperative, just this once?"

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