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On the twelfth floor of the brand new tribute building, Haymitch Abernathy stood in front of a large screen as Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen sat watching and listening as he talked through the other 22 tributes they would have to face this year.

"I want you guys to forget everything you think you know about the games," Haymitch told them as he poured himself a drink, "Last year was child's play. This year you're dealing with all experienced killers."

"Alright, what does that mean for us?" Peeta asked.

"That means your gonna have to have some allies," Haymitch said.

"Okay. I think that if-" Peeta was cut off by Haymitch, "Whoop, you're not the problem." He pointed his finger at Katniss's head.

Katniss shook her head, "No."

"Look, you're starting at a disadvantage." Haymitch sat down next to her, "Most of these people have been friends for years."

"That just puts us higher on their kill list," Katniss denied.

Haymitch raised his hands in surrender and leaned back in his seat, "Do it your own way, but I know these people. You go it alone, their first move is gonna be to hunt you down." he looked between them, "Both of you."

"Katniss come on." Peeta urged.

Katniss thought for a moment, "How could any of us even trust each other?" she asked.

"It's not about trust. It's about staying alive." Haymitch told them. He stood up and took a remote from the table, he clicked the button and footage from a reaping appeared on the screen, it was a young man and woman, both blonde and holding hands, "Cashmere and Gloss, Brother and sister, District 1." he told them.

"They won back to back games. Capitol Favourites.Lots of sponsors. They will be lethal." Haymitch clicked the button again and the image changed from the teary smiles of the siblings to a man and a woman holding up their conjoined hands ferociously to the crowd.

"And the other half of the career pack, Brutus and Enobaria," Haymitch announced.

"What's with her teeth?" Katniss asked.

"She had them filed into fangs so she could rip people's throats out." Haymitch deadpanned.

"She's committed ill give her that." Peeta shrugged.

Haymitch clicked the button again, "Wiress and Beetee." He said, "not fighters, but brilliant. And weird. Real tech-savvy. He won his games by electrocuting six tributes at once."

He changed the image again."The Morphlings. Masters of camouflage. Basically won their games by hiding until everyone else was dead. Self-medicating ever since, which I applaud. Not a threat." He changed the image again.

"Finnick Odair right?" Katniss asked.

"Yes. He won his games at fourteen. Youngest ever. Extremely humble."

"Your kidding." Katniss scoffed.

"Yes. I'm kidding. He's a peacock. a total preener." Haymitch flicked his hair for emphasis, "But he's one of the Capitol darlings. They love him here. Charming smart and very skilled at combat. Especially in water."

"What about weaknesses?" Peeta asked.

"One. Mags." He pressed the button again. "She volunteered for Annie. Mags was his mentor and basically raised him. If he's trying to protect her in any way it exposes him."

"A guy like that has to know she's not going to make it," Katniss said coldly, "I bet when it really comes down to it he won't protect her."

"Well Katniss, I hope when she goes, she goes quickly," Haymitch said, "she's actually a wonderful lady." they watched the screen for a few seconds more and Finnick pulled mags into a hug and kissed her head.

Haymitch talked them through a few more of the tributes. He clicked the button and the image on the screen changed once again, to a young man standing beside another that was dressed in a purple suit.  "District 10, first Enoch Rhodes a little mentally unstable. In his games he killed his own sister by strangling her with a bullwhip but it's not him you should be worried about."

The image moved across to a young woman with black hair and brown skin who was staring out at the crowd with a stony face that held no emotion except for the slightest hint of anger, "Knox Codie, the other Capitol Darling. Incredibly popular in the Capitol they love her here, she has been a favourite of many for years. Charismatic, charming, another total preener depending on her mood. Extremely skilled in combat despite her district and very lethal."

"Any weaknesses?" Peeta asked hopefully.

Haymitch chuckled dryly, "Unfortunately for you guys, she has none. And as the cherry on top of the cake she does not like the two of you, you messed up a lot of things with that berry trick and she is not happy about it. My advice, try and win her over because she does not buy the 'star crossed lovers' act one bit."

"Wonderful," Katniss muttered the longer she stared at the screen the more it felt like the woman was staring into her soul. She did not seem like someone easy to make friends with.

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