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The next morning Knox and Enoch were taken onto the hoverjet that would take them to the arena. Trackers were injected into their arms and they were silent the whole journey.

When they landed Knox and Enoch were taken into separate rooms. Inside the room was a glass tube that she would stand inside and be raised into the arena.

Venable and Roland, who had been allowed to see her off, stood behind her as she took a deep breath, "any last parting words?" she asked half-heartedly; she knew whatever would be said would affect her very little.

"Good luck," said Venable, who pulled her into a hug.

"Nothing that would be of any help," Roland shook his head. He squeezed her shoulder as a gesture of comfort. Knox nodded and sighed.

"Well, this is it," she said, stepping forward and entering the tube, "goodbye to you both, it was nice to know you when I did."

Both Venable and Roland left the room.

As she waited in the tube for it to close, she began to think about what the arena would be. They had put her in a thin jumpsuit/wetsuit and her hair was in french braids, meaning it would probably be some sort of tropics or desert as it had no thermal insulation.

A male voice came over the PA, "Sixty seconds to launch."

She had the chain with Haymitch's ring around her neck.

"Ten seconds to launch."

The glass tube closed around her and the platform began to rise. She was momentarily blinded when the tube opened from the top and she had to squint to adjust her eyes to the surroundings.

The pedestal that she was standing on was surrounded by water and the arena seemed to be split into wedges with two tributes per wedge. Separating each wedge were thin barriers of rocks. In the wedge beside hers she could see Peeta, he looked her way and she winked at him before looking away. In her wedge with her was Seeder from district 11. In the centre of the water was the cornucopia and the rest of the arena was covered in rainforest.

"Let the 75th Hunger Games begin." said the voice on the PA, "May the odds be ever in your favour. Ten...Nine...eight...seven...six..."

Knox prepared herself to jump into the water.

"Five... four... three... two... one" The cannon fired and she immediately dived into the water. Knox wasn't the strongest swimmer so she swam as fast as she could to the rocky divider and pulled herself up onto it.

She ran along the rocks to the cornucopia, trying not to slip. She was one of the first there so she grabbed the pair of sheathed katanas and slung it onto her back, taking one in her hand just in case. Finnick ran up beside her and grabbed his trident.

Katniss ran into the cornucopia and grabbed the bow and arrows, firing one at Gloss who was heading toward her. He dived into the water out of the way. Katniss spun around and aimed her bow at Knox and Finnick.

Finnick held up his wrist showing the gold bangle and Knox lifted Haymitch's ring from where it lay around her neck, "good thing were allies, right?" she said.

Katniss did not lower her weapon, "where did you get that?"

"Where do you think?" Knox asked.

"Duck," said Finnick, looking over Katniss's shoulder. Katniss dropped down and Finnick threw his trident at a male tribute that was running at Katniss. A cannon fired.

"Don't trust 1 and 2." said Finnick as he retrieved his trident, "I'll take this side. You hold them off. Knox will find Peeta."

Knox nodded and turned around to head back the way she came from and where she last saw Peeta. He hadn't gotten far, Mags was standing on the rocks beside the water pointing to where Peeta was in the water trying to fight off another tribute that was trying to pull him under.

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