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Later that night Haymitch visited Knox on the tenth floor. He handed her a ring on a thin metal chain.

"Wear this in the arena, Katniss knows it's mine and she will recognise it, Finnick has a token too," he told her.

Knox took the ring and examined it, she had seen it many times before as Haymitch never took it off his neck where it hung on a chain. It was nothing special really, a simple golden band with small patterns engraved into the metal but Knox knew of its significance.

"Your mother's ring?" she said, surprised he would ever want to let it out of his sight. Haymitch nodded.

"Good luck in there kid, stay alive," He said, turning towards the elevator. Knox knew that Haymitch wasn't an emotional person and neither was she but she grabbed his arm stopping him from turning around and hugged him.

"You need to get my dad out of ten," she whispered before pulling away, "thank you 'mitch, for everything,"

"Stay alive," he said and sent her a fond smile before leaving without another word.

A/N very short filler chapter. The next chapter will be in the arena!

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