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Encapsulating, all consuming dread.

The relief of the war coming to an end was imminently eradicated as the face he so longed to see hadn't appeared yet.

His insides churned and his gut twisted as he watched the unit, sent out to film propos safely behind the front lines approach with much smaller numbers.

He held tightly onto the delicate hand clutching his own as they approached in the foyer of the presidents mansion.

Katniss was in the hospital, being cared for after the explosion, he know that but there was no explanation for where she was.

Eli held his breath as he locked his gaze into Finnick Odair, a boy he knew could give him the information he needed. Yet the boy could not meet the imploring and desperate gaze of the man, nor the young woman beside him.

Johanna had realised much quicker than Eli. The woman she was so desperate to see was not coming, she was gone.




Eli's grip on Johanna's hand tightened slightly as he called out, "Finnick!"

At the sound of his name the boy slowly lifted his gaze from the floor, an expression of pain and shame on his face as he met the gaze of Johanna with a nod.

Her entire being shattered from the inside out, and her stance wavered as she felt like she was going to collapse. She knew. But the confirmation was earth-shattering.

Still in denial and refusing to believe without verbal confirmation, Eli steeled himself, "Where is my daughter Finnick?" He asked steadily, a faint waver in his voice.

He held his breath as Finnick dragged his gaze to meet his, "I'm sorry," he swallowed, his voice trembling, "I couldn't save her. She's gone."

And just like that Eli's façade crumbled. His soul was torn in two and set a flame. The one person he had left, the most valuable thing in his life had been taken from him.

Ripped away from his hold leaving him empty and alone.

His most cherished achievement from the moment she opened her eyes as a baby, curled up in his arms as a smushed lump of warm, soft flesh with adorable tufts of her black hair upon her head.

Now she would be nothing but a memory.

A gorgeous, kind, strong, brave, valiant, caring, dedicated, loyal beautiful memory.

"Knox is dead."

Lethal Charm - THG [1]Where stories live. Discover now