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Later the next day all of district thirteen had been summoned to the main 'lobby' so President coin could make an announcement.

Knox and Eli joined Finnick's side in the crowd as President Coin stepped out onto a balcony.

"Good afternoon." She greeted over the microphone, "thank you for interrupting your schedules. They have already adjusted to compensate for the delay. Please check in with your unit supervisors when you resume work. I have an announcement for the citizens of 13 and our welcome guests from 12. Katniss Everdeen has consented to be the face of our cause to help unite the districts against the Capitol. In exchange I have promised several concessions."

She held a sheet of paper in her hand, "first we'll assess all opportunities for the extraction of the Victors held hostage in the Capitol. Peeta Mellark..." the crowd clamoured in protest.

Knox hadn't realised that they had been joined by Katniss until she spoke, "Knox, Finnick I made the deal for Johanna and Annie too,"

"Johanna Mason..." Coins voice  announced, "...and Annie Cresta. Once freed they will be granted full pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebel cause."

Finnick leaned closer to Katniss's ear, "good. That's good Katniss,"

Knox placed her hand on Katniss's shoulder "Thank you,"

Noticing Katniss glance between Knox and her father she said, "this is my father by the way,"

"Eli." He shook Katniss's hand, "pleasure to meet you,"

"You too,"

"If Katniss Everdeen fails to fulfil her duties the deal will be off. Thank you for your attention, please resume your daily schedules,"


It was not going well. The mockingjay propaganda that they had Katniss making was terrible.

The group sat in silence for a moment at the table after the video of Katniss had finished and everyone in the room could feel that if they released that video the entire revolution would burn out and end pointlessly.

Katniss shrunk awkwardly in her chair beside Knox still in her costume.

Haymitch cleared his throat, "uh, madam President, indulge me for a moment if you would." He stood up and walked around the table so that he was facing of everyone, "let's everybody think of one incident where Katniss Everdeen has genuinely moved you. Not where you were jealous of her hairstyle or her dress went up in flames or she made a half decent shot with an arrow. And not where Peeta made you like her."

Knox crossed her arms over her chest, slightly leaning back in her chair. She wasn't someone that was easily moved by anything.

"No I'd like you all to think of one moment where she made you feel something real." said Haymitch.

"Oh," Effie raised her hand, "when she volunteered for her sister at the reaping."

"Excellent example," said Haymitch. He turned to the screen and wiped away some of the stuff that was on it, "I hope that wasn't important," he glanced over his shoulder. Knox shook her head in amusement, it was somewhat nice to see that despite everything Haymitch was still the Haymitch she knew.

He wrote the words 'volunteer 4 sis' on the screen which quickly transitioned from his messy scribble to a neat and readable font, "good. what else?"

"Oh. When she sang that song for little rue," Effie chimed in again.

"Oh yeah. Who didn't get choked up at that?" Haymitch agreed, "you know I like you better Effie without all that makeup," he turned and wrote down 'song for rue' on the screen.

"I like you better sober," Effie shot back with a giggle.

"When she chose rue as an ally as well," said Beetee.

"Uh, the way she treated Mags," Knox added, "most people would have disregarded her and leave her for dead because of her age. Katniss didn't,"

Katniss had turned to her in surprise, she hadn't expected that Knox would have anything nice to say about her.

"Now, what do all these things have in common?" Haymitch questioned.

"No one told her what to do," said Gale.

"Unscripted yes," said Beetee, "so maybe we should just leave her alone,"

"And wash her face," said Bogs, "she's still a girl. You made her look 35."

Effie scoffed in offence.

"The opportunities for spontaneity are obviously lacking below ground." said Plutarch, "so what you're suggesting is we...toss her into combat?"

"I can't sanction putting an untrained civilian in battle just for effect."

"If you keep her down here your revolution is going to end like that," Knox snapped her fingers to emphasise, "the clip that we just watched won't inspire anyone."

"Miss Codie this is not the capitol," Coin countered.

"That is exactly what I'm suggesting." Said Haymitch, "put her in the field."

"No we can't protect her."

"It has to come from her," Haymitch insisted, "that's what people respond to. You want a symbol for the revolution? She cannot be coached into it. Trust me, I know."

"Maybe there's someplace that's less dangerous." Plutarch suggested.

"district 8. They reported heavy bombing last week. There are no military targets left." Beetee informed.

"We can't guarantee her safety," Coin dismissed.

"You'll never be able to guarantee my safety," said Katniss, "I wanna go."

"And if you're killed?"

"Make sure you get it on camera," Katniss dismissed eluding a chuckle from Plutarch.


Beetee led Katniss, Knox and Gale into a large room. There were two large tables and a long distance shooting range.

"I've made you some surprises," he informed as they followed him in his wheelchair over to a table with a quiver of arrows and a crossbow on it, "Maybe you wanna try one out."  He motioned for Gale to pick up the crossbow, "if your gonna be a part of Katniss's propo team you may as well look the part."

Gale picked up the crossbow and walked to the edge of the shooting range as Beetee wheeled over to the other table.

Gale let the arrow fly and the second it hit the target it burst into flames.

"Knox, these are for you," Beetee handed her a set of sheathed Katanas. She took one and unsheathed it, examining it.

She ran her finger gently across the edge of the blade and pulled her finger away, letting out a low whistle as she rubbed her fingers and thumb together, smearing the small amount of blood between them.

Beetee gestured for her to step towards the range, "let's see how well they throw,"

She stepped towards the range holding the katana with both hands. She steadied herself before throwing the katana with all her might. It hit the target right in the centre of the bullseye.

Gale slowly clapped his hands three times making her turn to him and bow mockingly.

"This one is for you Katniss," said Beetee drawing her over to the table where a bow was sitting on a stand, "Plutarch wanted you to have a weapon for the sake of the propos but I couldn't just make you a fashion accessory,"

Katniss lifted the bow from the stand and examined it, "it's beautiful,"

"And look here," her pointed over the cart beside the table where a few different coloured arrows lay, "regular. Incendiary. Explosive arrows. All colour coded," he explained, "and tell Finnick I've got a trident for him when he's ready. It might cheer...cheer him up," he quickly snatched the red arrow from Katniss, "uh, let's not fire the red ones in here,"

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