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Finnick, Haymitch and Plutarch stood around a table while Knox sat in a chair beside them trying not to move too much and disturb her wound. They were on a jet heading to District 13.

Knox had not long woken up with a bandage around her stomach. Her face was swollen up and her eyes were blackened due to her broken nose and the blood had been cleaned from her face. The bandage on her stab wound was only temporary as the sword had not gone too deep and she would be properly patched up when they arrived at 13.

She and Finnick had been given clothes to change into so that they didn't have to stay in their charred tribute outfits that they had been wearing for the past two days.

"She's gonna lose it when she finds out about the boy," said Haymitch. Peeta and Johanna had been captured by the Capitol along with Enobaria. Knox couldn't shake the immense guilt that weighed on her for not running after Johanna.

"She'll still cooperate though?" asked Plutarch.

"Without Peeta?" said Haymitch, "There's no guarantee."

"Just tell her-" Finnick started to say but he stopped talking when the door to the room they were in opened. Katniss stood in the doorway, one hand behind her back.

"Morning sweetheart," said Haymitch. Katniss lunged at him with a syringe in her hand. Haymitch pushed her back and pinned her against the wall.

"What are you doing with them?" Katniss croaked out in a strangled sounding voice.

"You and a syringe against The Capitol?" Haymitch pried the syringe out of Katniss's hand, "See this is why no one lets you make the plans."

Katniss glared at Knox and Finnick, "What the hell are you two doing here?" she snarled.

"Stop. Stop. Just listen," said Finnick.

"We couldn't tell you with Snow watching. It was too risky." Haymitch told her, "Better for you to know nothing."

"Where's Peeta?" Katniss demanded.

"Now Katniss..." said Plutarch, "You have been our mission from the beginning. The plan was always to get you out. Half the tributes were in on it. This is the revolution. And you are the Mockingjay." he told her, "and we're on our way to district 13 right now."

"13?" asked Katniss.

"13. Yes."

"Where's Peeta?" she asked.

"He still has his tracker in his arm." explained Haymitch, "Johanna cut yours out."

"Where is he?"

Haymitch sighed, "In the Capitol."

"They got him and Johanna, Katniss," said Knox solemnly.

Katniss lunged at Haymitch again, "You son of a bitch! You son of a... you promised me that you would save him over me!" Plutarch injected her in the back with a sedative so that she would stop hitting Haymitch, "You promised me! You're a liar" Haymitch gently lowered her to the floor, "You're a liar." she sobbed until she lost consciousness.


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