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Knox had been kept in a hospital room since her arrival at district 13. The damaging effects of the arena were bad enough without the extra injuries inflicted by other tributes. They had reset her nose, her face was bloodied and bruised. They had patched up her stab wound and she was attached to an antibiotic drip to restore nutrients to her weakened body. A large bruise had also developed across her neck in marking Enoch's attempt to kill her and it was rather painful when she moved her neck too much.

She had been placed in the same hospital room as Finnick, something she was rather grateful for, a familiar face in unfamiliar territory.

District 13 was almost completely underground as anything above the surface had been destroyed in the dark days.

Finnick would often sit up on his bed and cry, he harboured immense guilt just like Knox did but they both dealt with it in different ways. The Capitol had gotten Johanna, Enobaria and Peeta and had also captured Annie from district 4 to punish Finnick.

Instead of crying, Knox buried her emotions deep down and would mostly lie in silence in her bed staring up at the ceiling with a blank face. Her father had been to see her multiple times and though she was happy that he was okay, she couldn't bring herself to show it.

It broke Eli Codie's heart to see his daughter in such a state, he knew her well enough to know that her silence was the equivalent of another person's sobbing.

She was practically a shell of her old self, everyone that had known her before could see it. It was the same way she was when Lenox had died. A broken shell.

Finnick was currently sitting on the edge of his bed with his back to Knox as tears spilt from his eyes. The door to their room opened and Katniss Everdeen stepped inside.

"Finnick." She spat angrily, venom seeping from her words, "Knox."

"I wanted to go back for Peeta and Johanna," said Finnick as he tied knots into a piece of rope, "but I, uh... I couldn't move."

"They have Annie, too. They took her. She's, uh...She's in the Capitol." Finnick sniffled, "I wish she was dead."

This might have been a morbid thing to say if you were a normal person with a perfect life however for people like them, People who had seen the horrors hidden behind closed doors in the Capitol, this was a wish of mercy.

Knox did not want to think about the unimaginable amount of suffering that the others were enduring as they spoke. It made her sick to their stomach.

Knox did not look at either of them, her voice was raspy from her injuries when she spoke,  "I wish they were all dead and we were too." she said flatly.

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