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"Katniss?" Knox called out for the girl, she felt slightly dizzy from the loss of blood from her nose and headbutting Brutus

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"Katniss?" Knox called out for the girl, she felt slightly dizzy from the loss of blood from her nose and headbutting Brutus. She needed to find Katniss.

She started back in the direction of the lightning tree.

"Johanna,Knox, where are you?" she heard Finnick yell, "Johanna? Knox?"

There was a loud blast in the distance, the same sound as when Peeta hit the forcefield the previous day.

A cannon fired in the distance, Knox knew it was for Brutus but Katniss did not as Knox heard her yell, "Peeta!"

Knox reached the clearing around the lightning tree but she crouched down so that she was hidden from Katniss's view. Katniss didn't know about their plan and definitely didn't trust Knox anymore; that's if she ever did and Knox did not want to risk being shot with an arrow.

"Peeta!" Katniss yelled. Finnick ran back through the jungle to the clearing around the tree. Peeta was nowhere to be seen. Knox assumed he must have ran off to find Katniss.

Knox realized she was right when she decided to hide from Katniss because as soon as Finnick came into view, Katniss took an arrow from her quiver and ducked out of Finnick's view.

"Katniss, where are you?" Finnick yelled.

"Katniss," Knox said, standing up and revealing her position but also stopping Katniss from shooting Finnick as the girl turned the bow on her.

Knox shook her head raising her hand (the one that she wasn't holding her katana with) in surrender, "Katniss, don't do it." she pleaded.

"Katniss," said Finnick when he saw the girl with her bow pointed at Knox, "Remember who the real enemy is."

Something seemed to click in Katniss's brain, she lowered her bow, eyes flicking between Knox and Finnick.

The clouds in the sky were darkening and thundered loudly. It was almost midnight. "Katniss, get away from that tree."

Katniss didn't move and instead wrapped something around the tip of her arrow. "Katniss got away from that tree!"

Both Knox and Finnick ran towards the girl as she pointed her arrow towards the sky, letting it fly just as the lightning hit.

Knox felt herself being thrown backwards, her back hit a tree and her Katana stabbed her in the gut.

The entire dome around the arena turned black as the arrow hit it. Panels began to fall down as the arena dome caved in.

Knox couldn't move due to being electrocuted and black spots filled her vision. The last thing she remembered was being lifted by something before losing consciousness.

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