Chapter 6

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Ranboo POV

My ex - Oliver looked like he saw a ghost. I charged to him, while Tommy was figuring out what the fuck happened. Oliver was quick to get out of his seat, but I grabbed his hood and yanked it towards me. Which made him fall to the cold ground.

"Well hello fucker." I said as I was contemplating how to kill him

"Ranboo- uh- hi. I don't want any problems, I've changed." Oliver said in between him taking short breaths looking up at me

"That's what you said to me every single time you piece of shit. All of it was lies. Now, if I see you here again I will make sure your death is slow and painful. Got it?" I said clenching my fists

"Y-yes." he said and jumped off and left the Starbucks

What I said wasn't a threat for that matter; it was a promise.

Tommy charge at to me and yelled "What the fuck did you do that for?"

"Tommy- this was my ex, you don't understand-" I said but the idiot cut me off

"You're just jealous because you like me." he said half-whispering and then continued "I had a chance with him..." and frowned

Yeah- he definitely won't listen to me and get his heart broken. Better to just back off before I ruin what we had.

"Do you know how hard it is to get mad at you?" he said and hugged me

We sat back down and Tubbo came back with mine and his drink.

Tommy immediately stopped hugging me when Tubbo sat down.


Tubbo finished his drinks and went back to the apartment to stream and Tommy clung onto me once again.

I saw Oliver come back into the Starbucks again, he looked around for presumably... Tommy.

He took out his phone and started texting, then not seeing he was walking to our table I cleared my throat and he finally got off his phone. He saw me and his eyes widened.

"Hi bitch..." I said and waved at him and smiled

Tommy's phone rang-

So that is who he was texting-

Oliver's eyes widened and he said "I don't want any problems I jus-"

"Three, two, on-" I started counting to see how scared he was of me but he immediately ran out of the cafe

Tommy opened his messages app and I decided to look away. It is none of my business.

Hey, at the end of the day, they are just texting. And he might be better to Tommy. Who am I to control Tommy's life? But if that motherfucker starts dating Tommy and breaks his heart- or does anything stupid, I will make sure to unalive him.

Tommy was giggling and was blushing and shit.

I sighed...

Tommy closed his phone and sat in my lap facing me.

He poked my cheeks and giggled "Boo."

He is so adorable.

He kissed my cheek, and then he said "Do you know any places around here? I don't want to sit in the apartment all day."

"I mean we can go to the Golden Gate Park." I offered

"Sure!" He replied

We got out of the Starbucks and started heading towards the park. It wasn't really that far away, but Tommy got tired pretty quickly.

"Carry me Boo~" he cooed

I sighed and picked him up.

Now the reason I chose that park out of literally everything else that I could've is because there is a part of the park that has a lot of alliums, I've went there before and it looks so good.

And you know, alliums mean something special for me and Tommy...

After a while of walking we got to the place.

Okay, hi! Shorter chapter and early release because I am bored. I will release one more per schedule today so ya. See you all later!

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