Chapter 23

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Tommy POV

Ranboo convinced me to go out. I waited for him to get dressed on his bed.

When he came out of the bathroom, he was in that black suit from the chair building video.

He looks so hot...

"Babe?" he said trying to get my attention but I was just staring at him admiring his face

He came close to me, and his face was a couple of inches away from mine. I could feel his heavy breathing on my skin as he looked at me.

He placed his hands on my butt and thigh picked me up in his hands.

I blushed dark red.

I didn't know what to say, I was super flustered.

I can't think straight around this man-

For about 5 more minutes he continued trying all the pet names he could think of, but he was done at the 5 minute mark.

"SimpInnit." he said and that was all needed to get me to speak

"I AM NOT A SIMP! I WAS JUST LOOKING AT Y-" I started yelling, defending myself but he cut me off with a kiss

"Yeah, sure. Are we going or not babe?" he asked

"Fine." I said

He put me down on the ground and said "Come on then."

I clinged onto his arm and he noticed but let me be.

We exited the building and started walking towards the ice cream place.

Wilbur POV

One tire down!

He continued trying to drive, but was slowing down, he took a right turn and drove off the road downhill that was going towards a lake, the others from the mafia were behind so I had to quickly alert them.

I took out my radio and quickly told them as Techno got the car to a stop and signalled me to hand him his binoculars.

I quickly got them and he looked out to see if Oliver has a chance of running away.

After a while of looking he entered the vehicle again and shook his head.

He opened the window and signalled via a hand gesture to follow him.

We took a right on the next turn and got to the the other side of the lake.

From there Techno slowed down and told everyone to separate and start searching for Oliver on foot as he couldn't have went far away given the fact that his leg is injured from the last shoot off and his car only has 3 tires.

Techno also asked everyone to bring Oliver alive and to only use a taser against him and at maximum a knife so that the two of us can both kill and torture Oliver ourselves.

We took out our tasers and reloaded them so that we are ready to shoot and exited the car.

We knew Oliver had a gun, but all of us have bulletproof vests and leggings, so that shouldn't be a problem, hopefully...

Tommy POV

I and Ranboo got some ice cream and sat down to eat it.

During the entire time that we ate I kind of teased Ranboo.

He didn't really react but at some point he had enough and looked me dead serious and said "The moment we get home, you will be screaming my name."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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