Chapter 31

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Ranboo POV

Tommy was a blushing mess, well... a hot one as well.

I want him to be able to walk so I have to cut off the-
well- uh- flirting, I guess?

I've been thinking about asking him out, on like a date.

I really want Tommy to be mine... wait, no... not in a creepy way...

~ Time skip ~

I came back from the bathroom and saw Tommy was on my bed, holding his phone, giggling and shit.

I saw his finger just casually swiping right and the light from his phone changing colors...

Is he on Tinder?

He didn't seem to notice me so I continued to observe for a bit.

He started typing and that is when I went back to the bed.

He panicked and hid his phone, "H-hi Ranboo. Er- why are you looking at me like that?"

Techno POV

We arrived in California, and were heading towards San Francisco, Wilbur was taking a nap in the backseat while Oliver was trying to scream.

"IVE NOT DRANK WATER FOR ALMOST 3 DAYS DUDE" he said trough the tape that I put on his mouth

I mean, I don't want him to die from natural causes, I want to kill him myself after I bully his father into giving me information on the government.

I pulled up to a gas station and Wilbur woke up.

"Where are we?" Will asked

"We entered California a while ago, the fucker behind you wants water so I guess I will get him some. Make sure he doesn't do any shenanigans." I replied and exited the car as Wilbur gave me a nod

I grabbed a empty bottle from the car and went to the gas station and filled up the bottle with tap water.

I opened the trunk, took the tape off of Oliver's mouth and arms and threw the water bottle at him "Drink bitch."

He opened the bottle took a sip out of it, then spit it out and said "What the fuck is this?"

"Tap water?" I replied

"I only drink bottled water, not this cheap shit." he replied

"If you don't drink the water I will strangle y- actually, I will be right back." I replied putting duct tape on his hands again and going to the front of the car

I took another empty plastic bottle with me and entered the gas station, I went to its toilet and opened a stall, I reached in and filled the bottle with water from the toilet bowl.

I exited the stall washed my hands and went back to the car's trunk, I opened it and removed the tape from Oliver again.

I handed him the bottle of toilet water and he asked me "What kind of water is this... and why does it have this yellow tint?"

"Erm. It's fancy Italian water called Acqua dalla toilette... yeah. It's a bit yellow because they make it with gold." I replied

"Ooh...!" he said and took a sip

Hope y'all enjoyed, see y'all in the next one.

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