Chapter 7

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Ranboo POV

"Wow! It is so beautiful." Tommy said as he jumped off my arms and went to the alliums

"Mhm." I replied

I went up to him and sat in the ground. I took him in my arms and he smiled "You are so romantic Boo."

I smiled and handed him an Allium.

"Never seen those in real life." he said as he was smelling the Allium and continued "They smell so good."

"They do." I said

I felt him relax in my arms and I kissed his cheek, he turned red...

"Ranboo~" he cooed and and let his head rest on my shoulders

I heard that phone camera sound and looked, there were fans taking pictures of us-

They walked away giggling and Tommy frowned. I opened my phone and saw 'Tomboo' trending and a bunch of pictures of us hugging and me kissing his cheek and my mask wasn't on. I also saw 'Give streamers privacy' trending so at least that is that...

I felt Tommy start hyperventilating.

Tommy's phone started ringing and he picked it up, he looked at the screen and dropped his phone.

"What's wrong?" I said and tightened his hug

Tommy wasn't able to say anything, instead he just started crying.

I hugged him tighter and tried comforting him.

"Let's go home..." I offered

"No- Ranboo- you don't understand- I just need to stay alone..." he said

"Tommy I can't leave you alone, you literally can't get around the city." I said

"Please, just leave me alone." he said

I sighed, "Alright, but under one condition. When you are ready to come back, call me, not anybody else."

"Sure." he nodded and got out of my hands

He walked away and I opened my Find My app, after a while of figuring out how to use it I found Tommy's location.

I started walking to our apartment building, and in a few minutes I got to the building and went up via the elevator the moment I exited the elevator and took out my keys Tubbo opened their apartment's door and screamed out "RANBOO!"

I got scared and flinched "Yes?"

"Care to explain the photos trending on Twitter?" He asked with an eyebrow raised

"Me and Tommy are just erm- a bit close. Yeah, that is it." I said

"Oh, alright. For a minute I thought you two are dating." He said and went back into the apartment


I mean I wished it could be that way, but erm- it isn't sadly.

I got into my apartment and pulled out my phone.

I issued a statement on Twitter clearing it all up and the tweet blew up.

I then decided to call up Tommy. I scrolled trough my contacts and found Tommy. I called him, but all I got was an automated message redirecting me to his voicemail.

Tommy POV

I didn't know what to do. Everything around me just felt unreal, it felt so strange. I remembered I promised Ranboo to call him, but I just couldn't.

Where do we start?... (A Tomboo story)Where stories live. Discover now