Chapter 20

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Tommy POV

I woke up to Ranboo spooning me, shortly after he woke up as well and kissed my neck "Good morning Toms."

"Morning, Boo." I replied

I was able to feel his calm breath against my neck while he was running gently his soft hands trough my hair. We stayed like this for quite a while. Eventually we decided to get up.

I took a glance at the time - it was 11 PM.

Yeah... it was no where near morning...

"What do you want to do?" I asked him

"You." he replied jokingly

"Boo... I am serious. Perhaps we can do a late stream?" I suggested to which Ranboo replied "Sure, let me get my mask and glasses and dress up."

I also had to get some of my clothes as I was in Ranboo's hoodie and his hoodie only.

I took some of the clothes that I took from my apartment and dressed up.

Ranboo came out of the bathroom where he had dressed and was in a dark hoodie, I could see his eyes trough the glasses and they were staring at my butt.

He came close to me and took my waist, our faces were inches away. He softly said "You look so good, babe."

I felt myself turn red and my heart started beating faster and faster.

Damn, does this man know how to flirt with me...

I noticed that he called me babe, but I kind of liked it. It's a sounds nice and simply rolls of the tongue... that's all... it's not like it makes me feel like we are in a relationship... no! Definitely. And even if we have something going on, it is definitely platonic.

He brought me even closer to him and gently kissed my lips.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as soon as he did it.

He removed his hand from my waist and I snapped out of reality for a second.

"Are we going to do the stream or not?" He asked heading to the living room, where his PC is

He turned it on and started the live stream.

He put up a vote and chat decided that we should play a horror game.

Tubbo POV

I got a notification that Ranboo was live?...

I clicked on it immediately and there he was... and ugh... Tommy was with him.

Ranboo was blatantly flirting with Tommy trough out the entire stream, chat didn't notice it, because they were focused on the game, but I sure noticed it...

Ranboo even 'dropped' something, got Tommy to pick it up and then while Tommy was searching for it, Ranboo went down to Tommy and a kissing noise was heard.

Tommy then went back up and was as red as a tomato.

Of course though, chat didn't notice it.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a nice day/night!

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