Chapter 30

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Tubbo POV

Bill and I ended the vlog and I got a call from Whore.

"Nah, don't." Bill said as he saw that Whore was calling me

"Fair enough." I replied and silenced my phone

Whore POV

What the actual fuck?

He is not picking up!

I will make sure that he regrets it once he comes back to his apartment.

I will shove down pills down his throat until he fucking gags on them, that little stupid piece of shit.

He is just another pawn, one of many.

They all die eventually, from an overdose, suicide, or just simply from someone murdering them.

I sat there, waiting for him to come back, I will give him a piece of my mind once he comes back.

Tommy POV

I and Ranboo were watching Netflix and chilling- wait no, not in a dirty way.


I couldn't take my eyes off of Ranboo.

I am so lucky to have him.

But... I am straight... my- erm "relationship" with him is temporary.

And if I ever turn out to like men, then I will be a top.

I continued to admire his facial features.

I mean- the only man that I maybe like is Ranboo, so I guess I am just Ranboosexual?!

Ranboo POV

"Tommy, hello?" I said trying to get him to pay me attention since he has zoned out

I leaned down to his ear and whispered "You better fill your mouth up with words before I fill it up with something else."

His checks turned dark red and said "Wh-"

Tubbo POV

I entered my apartment and saw Whore was waiting for me, she was clearly angry.

"Where the fuck were you?" she started screaming

"With Bill-" I replied

3rd person POV

Tubbo, accidentally had given Whore a piece of information that she could use to further manipulate him - a name, a name of a person that Tubbo cared about.

He is probably one of his little online friends; I can find details about him online, Whore thought to herself as a light grin appeared on her face

The air in the room suddenly turned so dense, that you could cut trough it with a knife.

She had an idea, a terrible one... a cruel and vile idea... an idea on how to exploit everyone's feelings for her own gain...

Thankfully, she decided to use it only in a so called "emergency" case...

Hope y'all enjoyed! See y'all in the next one!

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