Chapter 37

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Wilbur POV

Techno ran to the car and I followed him in. He turned it on but that bitch was super fast and was already going exiting the parking.

Techno quickly got outside of the parking and we began trying to locate the car.

It was a darker shade or pink, so it would probably be easy to spot it.

Techno was locked eyes, staring to his left "THEY ARE GETTING AWAY, SHIT!"

He quickly used the transmission stick and stepped on the gas pedal and in about 10 seconds we were already catching up with them.

He signalled for me to use my pop one of their tires, so I took a look at the back to see what we have.

I got a knife and said "Could you get me closer to her car?" and he quickly switched lanes.

We got near the car and I rolled down my window.

I contemplated if it would be better for me to throw the knife at the tire or to just try my luck and reach for it and pop it.

I decided to throw it, so I aimed (which wasn't really all and all easy, considering we were moving at at least 120 miles per hour).

Super short chapter but I am back, sorry that I was gone for so long, I had a super large creator block and had no idea what to do with this book. Expect more often updates! (hopefully)

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