Chapter 34

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Tommy POV

I was out and was looking for the girl I was supposed to meet with.

She looked pretty cute on her Tinder profile as well.

I think I might get lucky for once- well no- I got lucky with Ranboo as well.

So this might be like the second time?

I sat down at a table waiting for her.

Ranboo POV

~ Time Skip ~

I and Niki ended the stream and I kind of told her about everything that happened, she gave me pretty good advice to be honest.

I was hoping Tommy had came back from his date so that either I could give him the night of his life or confess my feelings or do both... I don't know, I guess I will see how it goes...

I went to my apartment and opened it, "Tommy! I am back!"

He came running towards me and jumped in my hands "Hi Boo~"

"Hi Tommy. How did your date go?" I replied as I ran my fingers trough his hair and used my other hand to hold him

"Eh- she wasn't really my type." he said

"What is your type then?" I asked him

"Well... you..." he replied a bit embarrassed

I've been moving to my new home this week, so I didn't have a lot of time to publish updates! Sorry! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and see you tomorrow!

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