Chapter 36

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Wilbur POV

"Just chill." I said to the girl that was borderline abusing the poor elevator button

"No." she said and turned to me, but suddenly her face turned basically pale

"Did you see a ghost?" I asked kind of jokingly

"Wh- what did you do to Oliver?!" she screamed out looking at Oliver who was basically taking a nap in the elevator since he was kinda knocked out

"You know him?" I asked with an eyebrow raised looking at her

She nodded and said "RELEASE HIM NOW!"

"That ain't happening." Techno said not even looking at her

"MY FA-" she began but Techno cut her off "my family or father will hear about this, bleh bleh bleh. Nobody cares who you are or who your family or father is. So do me a favour and shut your goofy mouth before I tape it. Yknow chances are that if you know Oliver you also know Tubbo, so well if you do - ask him about the experience of having your mouth taped."

"Who asked?" she said

"I did." I replied and she rolled her eyes

The elevator stopped on our floor and we walked out.

The door closed and then we realised...

We didn't take Oliver with us out of the elevator-

Me and Techno ran to the doors "FUCK! SHIT, SHIT!" and started banging our fists on them.

Yeah, that ain't working.

We opened the door to the stairs and began running down them.

I almost tripped but managed not to fall.

As we were going down we could also here the elevator going down.

Eventually we ran out of breath and were super exhausted, we had reached the 5th floor, 5 more to go...

Techno stood up and continued running and I followed behind.

We made it to the lobby and began looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen. We looked at the door of the elevator she took and looked above, the sign on the top of the elevator doors said that it was heading down.

Techno looked at me and both of us ran back to the stairs and began ran towards the parking..

We burst open the door and saw her getting into her car.

Ah, shit, here we go again.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been preparing for the beginning of the school year so yeah. More updates soon hopefully.

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