Chapter 26

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Tommy POV

"We never really broke it off... did we?" she asked getting closer to me

She took out a small package with a few pills in it.

"I know you want it..." she said

I looked at the pills...

"They are for you." she said and handed me them, and walked out of the front door, closing it

I looked at them, the urge was just so large.

I swallowed one, and then I wanted one more, and one more... and soon enough I finished the bag...

I threw it out and realised I really wanted Ranboo's- well you know.

I was sure I packed a maid dress, when I was leaving Tubbo and mine's apartment. I feel like I was planning ahead for this-

Ranboo POV

I walked into the apartment and started restocking the fridge, suddenly Tommy walked into the main room, since yknow the kitchen and the living room are unified so-

I took a look at him and he was in a maid dress, his lips were a pretty red and his hair was fluffed.

He came up to me as I was just staring at him and he quietly whispered into my ear "Rail me, boo."

Tommy's ex POV (can't think of a name for her, give me some suggestions)

I was listening with a glass to the door and heard Tommy saying 'Rail me, Boo'

Wait no- that is not how it is supposed to go.

He was supposed to ask for more, and then I would've kidnapped him, and then we would go to Mexico, and then we would have children, and then... UGH!

Ranboo POV

"Tommy- I-" I started but I slowly realised that he was high... "Tommy, who gave you drugs?..." I said as I remembered what Techno shared with me before... that Tommy was addicted before.

"That doesn't matter, just do it. I know you want it as much as I do." he replied

"No, tell me who gave you the drugs." I replied

"If you can't give me what I want, I will call Oliver!" he said and stuck his tongue out

"He is half way across the country and probably nearly dead." I replied, holding in my laugh at the face Tommy made when he processed what I said

"I will get a date on Grindr then!" he said, but I knew he was bluffing

"For fucks sake." he cussed out as he picked up and Apple from the counter and dropped it in front of my legs "Oops." he said as he went in front of me, and slowly started bending, just for me to see. That is when I realised he wasn't wearing underwear...

"It's still a no, though." I replied

"Okay, this time I will actually go and hookup on Grindr." he said, dead serious this time

I am back! See y'all in the next one!

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