Chapter 10

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Tommy POV

Well that was the best makeout session of my life. I was now in Ranboo's bed wearing his hoodie, cuddling with him 

But now I feel so guilty-

I really betrayed Tubbo, didn't I?

Tubbo POV

I got no response from Ranboo and Tommy still hadn't came back home.

I went to Ranboo's doorbell and rang it.

Tommy POV

The doorbell rang, but I could tell that neither me, nor Ranboo were going to go get the door.

I sighed and got out of bed, Ranboo let out a small frown.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to get the door... not realizing I was still in Ranboo's hoodie.

I opened the door and it was Tubbo...

"...why are you wearing Ranboo's hoodie, and have no pants on?" Tubbo asked me

Should I reply... or slam the door in his face?

"Reply." Tubbo said in a serious tone

"Not dealing with this one today." I said and slammed the door in his face

He started screaming a bunch of erm... not very... PG things...

Ranboo exited his room and went up to me.

"You okay, babe? You seem pretty nervous." he said as he took me in his arms

"Yeah, it is just erm- Tubbo." I replied shakily

Ranboo could obviously hear Tubbo screaming and Tubbo aggresively knocking. Ranboo went up to the door and opened it.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A BIT- Hey Ranboo! How is it going?" Tubbo said as he tried ignoring the fact that he was screaming just a few minutes ago and now started trying. making himself look cute, but obviously he failed misreably

"I am pretty sure the entire fucking building heard you screaming. Anyways- why were you screaming?" Ranboo said

"Erm- no reason. Bye!" Tubbo replied and took off

Ranboo went up to me and said "Can I?" to which I immediately nodded. He grabbed my waist. and kissed me on the lips.

"I really like you Tommy." he said in between kissing me

"Sorry Ranboo, I want to like you, but I can't..." I replied shakily

"Elaborate please?" he said with an eyebrow raised

"There is a certain someone- who stops me from liking you; not a crush or anything, but erm- he is just stopping me." I said

"Alright." he said and thought nothing more of it

See, this is why we would be a good couple. He didn't question it any further and decided to continue enjoying the moment.

Ranboo POV

Tommy and I went back to bed and continued cuddling.

I thought a bit about what he said, but at the end of the day it is none of my business.

I was holding him with my arms, while his legs were wrapped around my waist and he was cuddling into my neck.

"Boo~" he cooed

He is so cute like that.

Tubbo POV

~ Time skip ~

Eventually, Tommy got back to our apartment.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said angrily

"Getting some clothes, I am staying with Boo." he replied and then continued "Stop jumping to conclusions, Tubbo. I am sure you have a chance with Ranboo."

"Wait... do I?" I asked

"Haha... no."

"Oh well, you might have a chance with him, albeit small, not spoiling too much." Tommy replied

"I- okay." I replied

"So... Ranboo might like me?..." I asked

"No." he muttered out

"Why are you always at Ranboo's place though?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Reasons..." he muttered out and left

Tommy POV

OKAY! Don't judge me for giving Tubbo false hope, but I don't want him to start killing people.

I went back to my beloved's apartment and knocked on the door.

Ranboo almost immediately opened and took the clothes from my hands.

He placed them in a drawer and came back to me.

"Can I?" he said once again looking at both my waist and lips

I love how he always asks, even though I know that almost always the answer I will give him is 'yes'.

I nodded and he grabbed my waist, he kissed me softly and had one of his hands in my hair.

I think I am starting to catch very serious feelings... but I am supposed to hate Ranboo... but then at the same time Ranboo is impossible to not catch feelings for.

Like have you seen the man?!

I looked at my beloved's eyes- I mean- Ranboo's eyes, they were the prettiest color I've ever seen. It was a mix of grey and semi-blue colors, and they just looked so good-

I am so lucky with Ranboo... 

Sorry for being late, authors block striked me again! Anyways- have a nice day/night and bye now!

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