Chapter 3

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Tommy POV

"Wilbur!" I said and hugged him

We haven't seen each other in real life for like 2 months...?

It was really nice to see him in real life.

After a while of talking, we finally caught up... and of course by "a while", I mean about 6 hours.

Then I remembered why I came over here... to talk to him about Ranboo.

"Yeah, so erm..." I began but was cut off

"Let me guess- someone flirted with you?" he cut me off

"Wait- how did you know?" I asked confused

"I didn't." he said and shrugged, but then continued "Who was it?"

"It was-" I began but he cut me off yet again

"Wait, was it Bilzoo- or Eryn- or Freddie? And I swear to fucking god- if it was Jack or Foolish or your landlord, I will be committing some 1st degree murder..." he said with an eyebrow raised

"My landlord is old, Jack is... Jack... and it isn't Foolish or Eryn or Freddie. It was Ranboo." I said and at the end when I mentioned Ranboo he burst our laughing

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" he said

~ Time skip to 19:03 ~

Wilbur gave me some valuable advice... not as if I'd use it with Ranboo, because, you know- I hate him.

Ranboo POV

I was streaming with Tubbo on the couch and we were doing a Just Chatting stream, but the only thing that was on my mind was Tommy...

I kind of really wanted to have... fun with him.

I have been waiting for so long for Tommy to move to the US, and now he lives next door?!

Not to mention how cute he looked when he was blushing when I talked to him...

I don't really think I have a chance with him, but I will probably try shooting my shot either ways.

Then I heard the apartment door open, I looked at the door and it was Tommy.


Tommy went to his room.

Tubbo and I decided to end the stream and Tubbo decided to go to sleep. A few moments Tommy came out of his room in tight pyjamas. Damn, he looked so hot-

"Hey hot stuff." I said semi-jokingly

He blushed deep red.

He sat down inches away from me and whispered in my ear "Hey..."

Is this really happening?

"Do you want to come to my place?" I asked him

He got on my lap and said "Carry me."

I picked him up gently and carried him to my apartment - which was literally next door.

While I was carrying him Billzo passed down the hallway and as he was passing us, staring down at his phone he just said "Knew it."

I shrugged it off and after a while of struggling to open the door while I was still carrying Tommy, I finally managed to open the door...

I closed the door behind myself and it automatically locked. Then I gently placed Tommy on the couch. And admired how he looked. His blonde, messy, curly hair, his crystal clear blue eyes, his ama- "Cut it off simpboo."

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed

"Nope, but you were clearly checking me out." he said


He grabbed me by my hand, bringing me down and now I was on top of him.

Okay, so I am writing this half-asleep. I pulled an all-nighter last night, because I realised I had a math exam so yeah. I was only able to proofread like a few hundred words so yeah and I had to change some of the plot. Have a nice day/night, remember to drink water and take care of yourself and bye now! <3

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