Chapter 38

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Tommy POV   

~ Time skip to 9 AM next day ~

I woke up cuddling next to Ranboo.

He was awake and on his phone scrolling trough Twitter.

"Good morning, babe." he said and kissed my forehead gently

"Good  morning." I yawned and cuddled into his chest

He placed his phone on the nightstand and hugged me.

"Our date is today." he reminded me

"Can't wait." I said softly

~ Time skip to 12 PM ~

We were in bed, watching Netflix, when Ranboo looked at his watch.

"It is time for our date." he said and then continued "We should get dressed."

"5 more minutes please..." I said since I didn't want to move and I was very comfy cuddling with Ranboo

"Tommy, we will be late." he said

"Fineeee..." I said and rolled myself out of bed

We got dressed and got ready for the date.

We got into the car and he even opened the door for me.

He began driving but I couldn't stop starting at him, he was wearing like a proper suit and his eyes looked so pretty and...

A car in front of us was driving like crazy...


That is Techno's car.


An RPG fired a shot and did a bunch of damage to a car in front of it that was driving on two tires.

Whore POV (rewind)

I was quickly loosing control of the car and the steering wheel just stopped working and so did the brakes.

I had absolutely no way to stop.

I was going 130 miles per hour and then a loud sound echoed as a bunch of flames appeared.

I drove into a ditch and the car was on fire.

Hi! I am back with more updates coming very soon, this is a filler chapter kind of.

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