Scene 2 - Breakfast Delight

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(The following morning, Mason is sat downstairs in the hotel dining area, waiting for his new husband to show up. He silently giggles to himself, remembering what he and Declan got up to last night, and he then daydreams about his husbands' strong embrace. He may be a top, but Mason is almost certainly a little spoon. His thoughts are interrupted by his husband appearing)

D – Hey babe, sorry for taking so long (He gives Mason a kiss on the forehead)

M – It's all good. I was gonna start without you though.

D – You can't do that! We do everything together now, remember? It was one of your vows.

M – Yes, I know. (Mason rolls his eyes) We only got married yesterday.

(Declan giggles a little, and stares into his husbands eyes)

D – Come round here baby, I wanna feel you close.

M – Aww, that's cute. (He shuffles over)

(About 10 minutes later, and after their breakfast arrives, Mason feels something sliding along his leg, towards his crotch. He looks over at Declan, who has a massive grin on his face. Mason continues eating his breakfast, and he says nothing. Declan's hand reaches Mason's cock, and he slowly starts stroking it. It seems Declan rubbing his leg has turned Mason on. A lot. He is already hard.)

M – Declan, you know you shouldn't be doing that here.

D – Shh and let me handle it. Call it, breakfast delight (he laughs)

(Mason leans back into the chair a little bit. He is loving this. As Declan continues jerking his husband, Mason starts panting a little. Declan knows that sound means his husband is close.)

D – Ohh, no, Mas. You are not cumming now; you have to survive a little longer.

M – But... I can't. Most of my cum is inside you from last night.

D – Try and hold on a little bit, please.

(Declan whispers this into Mason's ear, which only has the opposite effect. Mason starts leaking precum, which only lubes up Declan's hand.)

D – Mason... stop leaking...

M – Babe, you know I can't stop.

D – (loosening his grip) Is this helping?

M – That's much better. I can slow down now.

(For the next half an hour, Declan edges Mason under the breakfast table. Mason's panting has sped up, and Declan knows he can't hold on any longer. Declan points Mason's cock at his own, which he has been jerking simultaneously for the past 15 minutes)

M – Ohh, you want my cum to be your lube? Cheeky boy.

D – I was thinking maybe we could cum at the same time? Make our marital bond even stronger than what it is now??

M – Oh, trust me. We took each other's virginity; I don't think we can ever not be close to one another.

D – Oh, this that right (Declan kisses his hubby)

(As Declan jerks both his own and Mason's cocks, the pair kiss each other passionately. Thankfully for them, the dining area is completely empty, so they know they won't get caught. Mason suddenly starts moaning into Declan's mouth. He has started cumming. Rope after rope of hot, white, fertile seed laps into Declan's crotch. It seems, for the first time in years, Declan has lasted longer than his hubby.)

D – Wanna see what we both taste like, mixed together?

(Declan too has started cumming, his seed mixing with Mason's. After the pair stop cumming, Declan scopes up a little bit of the mixture and feeds it to Mason. Mason returns the favour.)

M – Oh, a little bit sweet, that must be mine, right? (He giggles a little bit)

D – (scoffs) Yeah right! We both know that is me!!

M – You wish it was. Now, hurry up, I have places to be.

D – "I"? I thought it was "we" now??

M – Oh, my mistake. We have places to be.

D – That's much better, Mr. Mount (he grins, widely)

M – That still doesn't seem right (scooping more cum up and eating it)

D – Tasty?

M – Damn right you are.

D – We should get going then

M – Oh, sorry. You arrive late for breakfast and then demand me around. Typical. (laughing)

D – (cleaning the last bit of cum off him) Yeah, yeah. Stop moaning.

M – You never said that last night (whispering, under his breath)

D – Cheeky (giggling)

(As the pair leave the hotel, for their first full day as a married couple, life couldn't seem more perfect. But there was something Mason needed to say to Declan. And it couldn't wait)

M – Babe, look. You know how we said no secrets?

D – Yeah, of course.

M – Well, I... maybe wanna explore a bit. With other guys.

D – With or without me?

M – Both. I don't mind.

D – Ok, that's cool. Just tell me when you've done it. Knowing my husband has played around, and I've been too oblivious to know makes me horny.

M – Oh yeah? Well, maybe I'll have to record my sex adventures, just to make you know how much of a dirty little cheat I really am?

D – It's not cheating if I allow it.

M – Fine, but I'll only tell you AFTER I fucked the guys. Deal?

D – Deal.

(The sun shines brightly in Mykonos, as the happy couple walk along the beach. For the next 2 weeks, they stay in the Greek paradise, happily living life. But both men know that Mason will be a stallion and breed as many guys as possible once at home. And Declan would love it.)


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