Scene 4 - English Sausage in a Scottish Bun

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(Mason was horny, as he usually was after a game. He knew that Declan wasn't at home, due to West Ham playing away. So, he needed to find someone to fuck. There was only one thing for it. A special meeting. He sent the message "hey everyone, I need a special meeting" to the first team group chat and waited for a response. Everyone knew what this meant. But no one seemed to respond. Until Mason received a notification. "I'll help you", Billy Gilmour replied, "find me in the meeting room near the café". Mason headed there straight away. When he arrived, Billy was already sat on the end of the table. Mason closed the door, locked it, and closed the blinds. It was time to breed some Scottish arse.)

M – So, you're the only one brave enough to give yourself up to me tonight?

B – Brave, or stupid?

(The pair laugh, before Billy beckons Mason over. As Mason approached, Billy peeled his shirt off over his head, and throw it at Mason, who parries it away from his face.)

M – Word of warning, that shirt fucking sticks.

B – Rude bitch (scrunching his face). Come here then, I'm all yours.

(Billy lies back on the table and allows Mason to have full control over him. Mason pulls off Billy's shorts, socks, and boots, before taking his own shirt, shorts and boots off. He then climbs on top of his Scottish teammate and starts kissing his neck. Billy moans at this, before placing his hands around Mason's hot shoulders, holding him tight. Mason works his way around Billy's neck and upper chest, kissing all over that hot body he has seen hundreds of times in the changing rooms. Mason then flips Billy over, so he is now on top.)

M – Kiss my body then, Billy. Be a good boy for daddy.

B – Yes, daddy Mason.

(Without a second thought, Billy gets to work kissing Mason all over. His lips, his neck, his chest, his rock-hard abs, and eventually, on command, his rock-hard cock. After a few minutes of kissing, Mason orders Billy to peel his underwear off. Billy does as he is ordered and throws his daddy's boxers next to the pile of clothes on the floor. As he does so, Mason's 10.8-inch cock springs up and slaps him in the face. The long, juicy length of English meat makes Billy's mouth water, and his hole twinge. Mason has recently trimmed his pubes, so there is a lot less in the way for Billy to play with, stroke and suck. His foreskin is also a plaything for Billy, who is now wrapping his tongue around Mason's head. Mason starts moaning, and he starts smiling, clearly enjoying what many others forget to do.)

M – You're a wonder with your tongue, Billy. Especially under that foreskin.

(Billy looks up and Mason and smiles, mouth full of cock, causing Mason to giggle.)

M – come back up here, baby boy.

(Billy crawls back up Mason's body, kissing him as he moves up.)

B – (face to face with Mason) yes daddy?

M – Why don't you be a good boy, and ride daddy? Think you can do that?

B – Absolutely daddy!

M – Then get that English sausage inside that Scottish bun!

(Billy laughs like a child in a sweet shop, and hastily lines up Mason's long cock with his smooth hole. It easily slips in, as Billy was used to being a bottom slut, but after a few inches, he had to slow down, as Mason was by far the biggest guy he had ever taken. He slowly starts to bounce on Mason's cock, making both men moan really loudly, and makes Billy reach for his pulsating 6-inch cock. He may not be the biggest guy in the world, but, as a bottom, he didn't care. As the pair fuck, and change position, and fuck and change position, time seems to fly by. Both men haven't yet realised everyone has gone home, and they have been fucking for about 2 hours. Mason always bragged he could last for hours, now he could prove it. Billy noticed that Mason's thrusts grow in both speed and intensity, and he knew what this meant. Within the next 2 minutes, Mason is leaking rope after rope of fertile, white, hot, thick seed inside Billy's hole. He was releasing his English cream into the Scottish buns. After what seemed like forever, Mason finally stops cumming, just as Billy starts to do so. Billy's orgasm ends after 40 seconds or so, before Mason picks up some of the cum from the table and feeds himself.)

B – Tasty, daddy?

M – Absolutely baby boy.

(Billy giggles and starts kissing Mason again. Then, Mason's phone starts ringing.)

M – Shit, it's Declan...

B – I don't mind. You guys are married, and I know he likes you playing around (he winks at Mason)

M – Naughty boy. (Over the phone) Hey babe... No, I'm just with Billy at the minute... yes like that, you fucking cuck. You know I'm gonna play away, and you know you love it... that's right you bitch... yes I'm on my way home... I'll text you when I'm nearly home, ok?... bye babe. (Hangs up) I'll see you tomorrow, Billy?

B – Of course you will. But one final thing...

M – Yeah? What's that?

(Billy walks over and kisses Mason on the cheek)

B – Go easy on Declan will you? For me?

M – Of course I will.

B – Bye daddy!

M – Bye baby boy!

(As Billy leaves the room, Mason puts his shirt back on. "Right, I can go home and fuck Declan in my kit, he'll love the smell of Billy on my clothes. It'll make him cum so quickly", Mason thinks to himself. He picks up his keys, turns the room light off and heads home. Another day done, another boy fucked and loaded.)


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