Scene 8 - A Date to Remember

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(Monday, 8th November, 2021. London. The Mount household. Mason has woken up with severe pain in his jaw. After a trip to the dentist, it is revealed that he has a wisdom teeth infection, which will probably mean he will miss the upcoming England games, and he will probably have to abstain from his near-daily sex with Declan. He broke this news to Declan, and the pair are working through their options.)

M – (Through the pain) Declan, look, we can't fuck if I'm gonna be in pain all the time, can I?

D – I know babe, and I hate seeing you like this, all defenceless...

(Mason holds Declan's hands, and softly says...)

M – We'll be fine. It'll also allow you to be the slut in this marriage, eh? (Giggling a little)

D – Thank fuck! (Laughing along) We just need to find someone to fuck before we all leave for the England squad. Who would love my arse; besides all the other guys, I mean?

M – I think I have someone...

(Later that day, Mason answers the door to a familiar face. He greets the guy, and invites him in)

M – Thanks for coming at such short notice. I think Declan will be happy.

K – Hopefully he won't be the only one.

M – Thanks again Kai.

(Mason had invited his Chelsea teammate, the German stud Kai Havertz, to give Declan what he couldn't at the minute; a nice, romantic meal, and a slow, loving fuck. Of course, Mason would be video calling in order to watch what was happening; for research purposes, naturally. Well, he said that.)

K – No worries, Mason. Where is he though?

M – Last minute call from the club. He'll be back in a few hours. Plenty of time for you to get cooking, right?

K – Don't worry. I'll look after him.

M – You better, or else...

(Mason rubs his bulge as his says this, making Kai laugh. Mason joins in too, and the pair embrace, before Kai kisses Mason's cheek, and heads out the door.)

M – Remember, I'll be video calling the fuck!

K – I'll have it set up all nice.

(Later that night, Declan returns home. He knows Mason has left a guy for him to have some fun with, and he also knows about the video call, but he is still none the wiser about his mystery date. He opens the front door, and takes his coat off, and leaves his boots by the door. He walks through the house, and into the kitchen, where he sees his date.)

D – Kai? You're my date??

K – Surprise! (Laughing nervously)

D – Don't be so nervous, to be honest, I've wanted to fuck you for so long.

K – You have?

D – Yeah. Mason has so many stories about how meaty and girthy you are, and I rea...

K – First, we eat.

D – But wouldn't that be... messy... later on.

K – Not this recipe. This makes sure everything will be just perfect. Cos both Mason and I, and hopefully you, want this to be a date to remember. Now, sit down, it's almost done.

(Kai had set the table romantically. He had covered it with the finest tablecloth, and scattered a few roses petals over it, with four candles in the centre, making it feel romantic and cosy for the two men. Kai brought over the food, and the pai began eating. After about 20 minutes, and two courses later, Kai made the first move)

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