Scene 9 - A Delightful December Dick Appointment

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(As the year was drawing to a close, Mason needed to fuck as many sluts as he could before his New Year's Eve party he had planned. After the heavy snowfall at the start of the month called off a few games, he decided to take a trip up to Manchester, to meet old friend and England teammate, Jack Grealish.)

TA – We will shortly be arriving at Manchester Piccadilly Station. If you are leaving us here, please make sure to take all personal belongings with you, mind the gap between the train and the platform, and enjoy your visit to Manchester.

M – (Thinking to himself) Oh, I'm sure I will.

(Mason rings Jack and lets him know he has arrived in the city. Jack tells Mason he is ready to meet him, and sends over an address, which puzzles Mason.)

M – A hotel? Jack, what are you thinking?

J – We both know why you're in the city, Mas. You want my hole.

M – Am I that easy to read?

J – Yes, yes you are. Also, you'll like this room. It's where I play with Phil.

M – Oh, treating me well then already?

J – Anything for the best, daddy.

M – Well, I better hurry up. Don't wanna miss the delightful December dick appointment.

(Jack laughs, before telling Mason to hurry up. Mason then arrives at the hotel and heads up to Jack's room. He knocks on the door, where Jack answers in nothing but the hotel robe.)

J – Hey, daddy. Wanna come in?

M – Fuck yeah I do!

(Jack lets Mason in and closes the door behind him. He has decorated the room beautifully for Mason; rose petals on the bed, nice lighting, and his favourite music playing. He already has the blinds closed, and makes sure everything, and I mean everything, was perfect for Mason.)

M – You did all this, just for me?

J – What can I say? Declan may or may not have been giving me some tips.

M – That sneaky boy.

J – (Walking towards Mason) You love it really (He kisses him)

M – (Breaking the kiss, after a few seconds) Yeah, I really do.

J – Right, go in the bathroom, and get your robe on.

(Mason does as he is asked, and a few minutes later, he returns in the bedroom.)

J – God, you look so beautiful.

M – Thanks, but I already knew that.

J – Cheeky git (Kissing Mason again)

(Mason, with Jack in his arms, walks backwards as they kiss, falling onto the bed in the process. Jack reaches down, and undoes his robe, before doing the same to Mason's. The pair then continue to kiss for several minutes, before Jack peels off his robe, exposing his hardening cock.)

J – Aww, look what you've done.

M – (Showing his stiff cock too) Look what you've done too. Now, get to work.

(Jack does as he is ordered to do, getting to work on Mason's monster. Mason moans in pleasure, as this is the first blow job he has received since his dental surgery. Jack handles Mason's pole like a champ, and wonders how on Earth Jack could be so good at this? Then he realises, he plays with Kevin de Bruyne. Mason has heard rumours he's big, but he doesn't wanna find out. Kevin may be a great player, but he isn't Mason's type)

M – Good boy. You're doing so good.

(Jack doesn't speak, but just continues to suck Mason's cock. He does so for the next 10 minutes, before Mason helps him off it.)

M – That enough sucking time for you. Now, on your back.

(Jack climbs onto the bed, and onto his back. Mason crawls over him, and stares down at him)

J – Hey there, sexy!

M – (Laughing) Hey. You ready for this?

J – Ready as I'll ever be!

(Mason lifts Jack's legs up onto his shoulders. He lines up his thick cock, which has grew to 11-inches since his videocall with Kai and Declan, with Jack's sweet hole. Mason pushes in, and instantly realises this isn't Jack's first-time bottoming.)

M – Tell me, Jack (As he thrusts in and out) Who had the honour of opening up your hole?

J – Chilwell. At the last international break.

M – Chilly did this?! Fuck, he must be hung.

J – About 9 inches (He says as he grabs Mason's cheeks)

(Mason leans down and starts kissing Jack again. Jack wraps his arms around Mason's neck, as the pair passionately embrace, kiss and fuck. They continue like this for 20 minutes.)

J – Daddy, can we swap positions? I wanna get fucked another way.

M – Sure, baby boy. What do you have in mind?

(Jack makes Mason pull out, before pushing back onto the bed. He climbs over him and starts to ride him.)

M – Fuck yeah, ride that big cock!

J – Fuck, Mason, you're opening me up even more! (Moaning loudly)

(Jack continues to ride Mason for 20 minutes, before he starts unloading all over Mason's stomach and chest. He even gets some on Mason's new tattoo. He orgasms for around 40 seconds, before leaning back, resting on his hands, and milking Mason's cock with his arse for 15 more minutes)

M – Hold on Jack, I'm cumming!

(Mason starts to release his thick fertile seed deep into Jack's hole. He moans louder than ever before, as rope after rope fills up Jack, before leaking out on Masons legs and the bed. Jack then falls onto the bed, and Mason's soft cock flops down.)

J – Honestly, that was the best cock I have ever had.

M – Good. Next time I'm in Manchester, or you're in London, we should hook up again?

J – Absolutely we should! That'll be great. Now, shut up, and hug me tight.

(The boys get under the covers and cuddle each other for hours. Mason's train home wasn't until the morning, so they had all night together. Later that night, Mason took Jack out for a candle-lit dinner for two, and Mason invited Jack to his NYE party. Jack accepted and asked if he could bring a friend along.)

M – Who you got in mind?

J – Well, it's weird that we know each other, but I was thinking Kieran Tierney.

M – Absolutely! I love that Scottish stud.

J – That's that then.

(The pair continue their meal, laughing and joking the night away. Mason was raring to go for this party. But it wasn't your average NYE party. This one had a few surprises. And involved a lot of fucking!)


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