Scene 17 - Naughty Husband, Part 2

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(Declan looked at Phil and Mason, disappointed more than angry. The two boys sat on the bed, silent, and ashamed. After a few minutes, Declan speaks)

D - So, you're not actually ill, it was all so you could fuck Phil again?

M - Yes. Look, babe, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied...

D - No, you shouldn't have... You should have invited me as well.

M - What?

(After he says this, Declan begins stripping down, causing Mason and Phil to giggle like little kids. Declan places all of his clothes out of the way, before making his way and sitting in between his husband, and his hubby's favourite slut. He pulls them back onto the bed, before all three start kissing and exploring each others' bodies. The lust, sexual tension amd moans fill up the room, as Mason and Declan kiss, whilst Phil wraps his tongue around their cock heads.)

M - I'm sorry I lied to you babe (he says, in between kisses and moans)

D - Don't worry about it, I've forgiven you. You gave me a great present (running his fingers through Phil's hair)

M - Err, am I not a good enough gift for you.

P - Mason, just accept that I'm his, and everyone else's favourite.

(Mason laughs, before he looks over at Declan, who is in ecstasy at Phil sucking his cock. He gets up, walks behind Phil and spanks him a little. He giggles, and looks back at Mason.)

D - Why don't you fuck him, babe. I know you love it, and that you're good at it.

P - Oh, he sure is good at it!

M - At least you two aren't fighting over who wants me more

P - We don't need to. You love all your sluts equally, but Declan has a lot more love from you.

D - I think thats a nice way of seeing it.

M - Yeah, me too. But Phil, you need to shut up now.

(Mason forces Phil's head down onto Declan's cock, making Mason's two favourite men squirm a little bit. After a little wait, Mason lines up his monster member with Phil's sweet, loose hole, before pushing in. Phil moans a bit, the sound muffled by Declan's cock. Mason grunts and groans as he ploughs into Phil, with one leg on the bed, and the other on the floor for stability. As he does this, Phil licks and sucks the entire length of Declan's 8-inch dick, making sure he is a world of pleasure. They fuck like this for 40 minutes, before Mason gets a phone call from work)

M - Not a sound from either of you, ok?

(Both Declan and Phil nod, as best as they can, before Mason answers the phone)

M - Hello... Oh, hey Marcos... yeah, im good, and not too busy (he says, with a wide grin) yeah, if thats what everyone else is doing, I'll be there in around 15 minutes, ok?... See you then, mate! (Hangs up) Right, lets get this finished, I have to get to work.

(He adjusts his stance, before beginning to absolutely destory Phil's hole, as Phil works wonders on Declan's meat. Within minutes, Declan is erupting into a volcano of cum inside Phil's mouth and down his throat. He grunts as he cums, before he subsides. He slides down, and keeps Phil occupied by kissing him passionately as Mason continues to plough him. 5 minutes go by, and Mason annouces he is gonna cum. Declan and Phil are still kissing. Mason groans loudly as he unravels rope after rope of sweet sticky cum into Phil. He slowly ends his orgasm after 6 minutes, before pulling out and collapsing onto the bed. Declan and Phil climb up to him and cuddle him.)

D - Do you have to go and train?

P - Yeah, stay here and have some more fun with us

M - I'm sorry boys. You know what it's like at the start if the season. If you two keep each other occupied tho, we'll have fun when I get back, ok?

D + P - Ok!

(As Mason gets dressed, Phil and Declan are already kissing once again. Mason chuckles to himself as he grabs his phone and car keys, before leaving to go to work)


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