Scene 3 - Phil, Mr. Mount will see you now

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(On a bright, late August day in London, Mason is running around his local park. He needs to be in peak fitness for his next game against Manchester City on Saturday. He's really missed playing for his club, after having the summer away with England. He's heading towards the end of his route when he gets a text from someone. He ends his run, and opens his phone to see that Phil Foden has texted him)

P – Hey Mas, it's been a while. Sorry I couldn't fly out to Greece for the wedding, you know I would have loved to have gone. I'm already in London ahead of the game. Wanna meet up for a coffee or something?

(Mason smiles, as he is very good friends with Phil, and Phil was right, it has been a while since they met up)

M – Sure, I've just finished a run, so I'll go home, get a shower, get changed and text you the address of this nice café, deal?

P – Yeah, that's cool. I'll look forward to hearing from you.

M – Ok mate.

(About 20 minutes later, and after getting the address from Mason, Phil walks into the café to see his old friend and teammate sat in the corner. He walks over, and the pair "bro hug" for a few seconds.)

P – It's great to see you after all this time.

M – It's great seeing you too. How's the injury?

P – Ahh, you know. It's getting there. How's the husband (Phil laughs)

M – (Laughing too) He's fine, he's fine. How's Rebecca doing. She's about 26 weeks pregnant now, isn't she?

P – Yeah, it's a nightmare though.

M – Oh, how so?

P – I mean, it's great I'm gonna be a dad again, but not getting it is killing me.

M – You tried your hand? (giggling)

P – Haha, very funny (chuckling). I mean, I wanna try something new.

M – How new are we talking?

P – Like, maybe with a guy, I don't know.

M – Phil, I thought... but you're...

P – I'm not what? Like you and Declan??

M – I mean, yeah.

P – I'm not, trust me. I just need sex that much.

M – Ah, so it's just desperation.

P – Absolutely. Can... you help me out?

(Mason leans forward over the table, and whispers in Phil's ear...)

M – I'd thought you'd never ask

P – Great! My hotel is only 5 minutes away. I hope you're ready to handle me.

M – Ohh, no. I'm doing the fucking. It's kinda my thing, ask Declan.

P – But I've never been fucked before.

M – Phil, trust me, it'll be fine.

P – No, it's ok. I can do without.

(Mason places his hand on Phil's knee)

M – Come on, it'll be fun.

P – What will Declan say?

M – Trust me, he really enjoys me sleeping around. He's told me this before.

P – Fine. No one else can find out about this though. And definitely not Rebecca.

M – My lips are sealed. Declan needs to be told afterwards though, we kinda made a deal about it.

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