Scene 12 - Birthday Photoshoot Surprise

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(By the time Mason and Phil had arrived at Phil's London flat, it was pretty late, so Phil said Mason could stay there that night. The following morning, Mason woke up in a panic, for he realised it was Declan's birthday.)

M – Shit! Phil, get up. I need to go home.

P – (Half asleep) What, why?

M – It's Declan's birthday, and I need to see him.

D – Maybe you should try turning around.

(Mason did turn around, and saw his husband wearing a dressing gown, leaning against the door frame, holding a cup of tea. He smiled at Mason and Phil, before walking over and kissing both of them)

M – So, you stayed here last night too? Phil, why didn't you say.

P – You fell asleep the moment you walked through the door; I didn't have time to. Plus, it all feeds into the surprise.

M – What surprise?

(Declan unfastened his dressing gown and reveals his rock-hard cock. Mason understood everything now.)

D – It's my birthday, you know what that means.

P – He gets to play with your hole, and I get to take pictures of it!

(All three men laugh, before Phil takes the married pair into an adjacent room. He had already set up all room the night before, with the camera equipment and the bed all stationed where he needed it to be. Mason striped down, and Declan took his gown off, throwing it next to his husband's clothes.)

D – This is probably the one time I'm gonna be bigger than you (Pointing at Mason's soft cock)

M – You're absolutely right.

(He kisses Declan passionately, before Phil interrupts them)

P – Sorry to break this up, but, you know, we have stuff to do.

M – Alright bossy.

D – Can I not have a moment with my hubby?

P – Shut up and wait. You need to be in the right positions for the pictures. First off, a few normal ones. Mason, you sit on the bed, and Declan, you can sit in-between his legs.

(The married couple do as they are asked, with Mason embracing his husband, who is four days younger.)

P – That's it. And a couple more (Phil takes photos of the pair)

M – Now what, Mr. Foden?

P – Now, Mr. and Mr. Mount, you can start to fuck. These three cameras will record you guys, whilst I make sure nothing breaks.

D – Oh, I'm sure we'll be fine.

M – He just wants to watch and wank.

D + P – That's a bad thing?!

M – Fuck no!

(Mason grabs Declan, pulls him down on top of him, and begins kissing him. Phil, meanwhile, begins to turn the three cameras on, making sure not to miss any of the action. Declan caresses Mason's face whilst the kiss, as Mason runs his hands over Declan's back. After 5 minutes, the pair flip over, with Declan's hands on his husband bum.)

D – Remember, this is my day, and you are getting fucked.

M – It's difficult considering this is all I know.

D – Let me take charge then.

(By this point, both men were hard, whilst Phil was sat in the corner jerking off, quietly moaning. Mason knelt over Declan, with his hole the perfect distance from the tip of his hubby's cock. He slowly began lowering himself down, moaning loudly as he did. Declan also moaned loudly, for this was the first time he had actively fucked someone in months.)

D – Ride my cock, you alpha stud! Make your husband happy on his birthday.

M – Anything for my husband. My one true love, besides sex.

(Mason picked up the pace a little, riding his husband faster and faster. His massive member was swinging around, so Declan grabbed it and began to stroke it. Declan stroked at an incredible pace, almost in time to Mason's up-and-down motion.)

M – Fuck, why did I say once a month. I wish I bottomed for you more often babe. (He moaned)

D – Daddy needs to unleash his sub side more. The fans need to see you can be a whore too.

(The pair fucked for over an hour, all the while Phil was jerking and edging himself. He shot a massive load after a few minutes of Declan pounding Mason in the doggy position. Declan grabbed on tight to Mason's shoulders, as he thrusted a little harder into Mason's hole. The tightness of his husband drove him crazy, and he began cumming.)

D – I'm gonna fill you up, Mase. Get ready to get stuffed. Fuck... Fuck.. Ahh, yeah, take my cock and cum... Arghh.

(Declan came for 2 minutes, whilst Mason ruined the bedsheets with a flood-like amount of semen. After all the orgasms died down, Declan and Mason feel onto the bed in a heap of sweaty panting mess, whilst Phil turned the cameras off.)

P – God that was so hot! You two are so well suited.

M – We figured that out at aged 11.

D – When he whipped his cock out...

M - ...he dropped to his knees...

D - ...I started sucking...

M - ...and we ended up here.

P – That's how I imagined you guys first got together. So, 12 years of fucking done, how many more to come?

M + D – Not enough, we hope!

(The three friends and teammates sat around talking for hours, jerking each other off a number of times. Mason and Declan headed home, before they went out for a meal that night. Declan confessed to Mason that this birthday was one of the best he had ever had, and he was grateful for it. Mason kissed him, and the pair re-established their love and commitment for one another.)


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