Scene 16 - Naughty Husband, Part 1

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(Mason was at home, sitting in the living room, wrapped in hubby Declan's  arms. He had said he was feeling ill, and needed some extra love, which naturally, Declan was eager to provide. They were watching a film, but Mason decided he needed a lie down, so he heads off to bed)

D - Do you need anything else babe?

M - I think I'm fine (taking off his top) I'm just making sure I don't overheat.

D - So, in other words, you are gonna sleep naked?

M - As always, baby boy.

(He kisses Declan on the head, before heading towards the bedroom. He opens the door, and opens his phone, and messages someone. He sends the message, before placing his phone on one of the dressing tables. A couple of minutes later, there are three taps on the window. Mason stands up, and opens the window fully, and in climbs his mystery guest. They instantly fall into a passionate kiss)

M - Thanks for coming, Phil. I knew you wouldn't resist a hookup.

P - Anytime with you, sexy boy.

(The pair kiss each other again, and fall onto the bed. Phil lets out a sigh, before Mason covers his mouth with his masculine hands.)

M - Declan doesn't know you are here, so you need to be quiet. I know that's gonna be tough tho...

P - Why don't you gag me then? That way, no sound.

M - Phil, I'm not into that...

P - Your cock, you idiot.

(Mason giggles softly, before helping Phil strip naked. As soon as all his clothes are off, Phil kneels down at the foot of the bed, gently kissing and caressing Mason's monster cock. Mason softly moans, as Phil's tongue slides over his foreskin, making it wetter, and more importantly, harder. After a few minutes, Phil is back to his old job; bobbing up and down Mason's massive dick, pleasing one of his many daddies. Phil thinks this is a normal hookup, but Mason has other ideas...)

M - Come up here, sexy boy.

P - (climbing into Mason's lap) Hey there, sir.

M - Now, I heard something about you.

P - Oh yeah?

M - Yeah, I heard you were cheating on Rebecca, and to be honest, that's what you do with all of the guys you fuck with.

P - Mase, you know I can change.

M - Oh, I know. Cos I'm gonna help.

(Mason picks Phil up and slams him into the bed. Luckily, there isn't any noise from this. Phil is looking up at Mason, with a look of fear in his eyes. He almost forgot how dominant Mason can be. The fear instantly turns into eagerness, as he knows Mason is even more sexy when dominant. He looks straight into Mason's eyes, and says...)

P - Teach me a lesson, daddy Mason.

(Mason says nothing, but smiles profusely. He lines up his rock hard member, now standing at 11.4 inches when hard, with Phil's loose, ready hole. He pushes in, and collapses on top of Phil, kissing him passionately as he pounds him. Mason does this to make sure that Phil makes no sound to distract Declan. Mason stops kissing after a while, and whispers to Phil)

M - I hope this reminds you to get Rebecca's permission to play around you naughty boy. For me, Jack, Erling, Frenkie, a random guy in a bar, anyone at all. You need permission, and it doesn't matter if it's during a international break, or during the week, she must say yes beforehand, ok?

P - Ok, daddy Mason. I'll make sure she knows everything I do from now on. Thank you for this lesson, but I have one request.

M - Shoot.

P - Fuck me lighter for the rest of this bit, you're hurting my back.

M - Now, we can't have a footballer with a bad back, regardless if he is a slut or not.

P - Thank you papi.

(They begin to kiss once more, with the passion rising through the room again. They fuck for almost half an hour, with the position changing 3 times. Now, Phil is riding Mason, whilst sitting on the end of the bed. Mason gets a text, and checks his phone, all the while Phil still rides him. In a matter of seconds, Mason's face drops.)

P - What's the matter, babe?

(Mason says nothing, but instead turns his phone around to show Phil. He stops riding Mason, and stares at him, fear filling him again. They hear the bedroom door open, and hear a very distinct voice.)

D - Well, well. This looks like a very relaxing nap, Mason.

M - Declan, let me explain...


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