Scene 11 - Chilly on Mason's Willy

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(After his fantastic New Year's Eve party, Mason had a few rest days. But he returned to work almost instantly, under the request of the club. He arrived at the training ground early, and to his surprise, found a familiar face stood outside.)

M – Ben? I thought you weren't back for a few weeks?

B – I'm not. But I can always see how the boys are doing, can't I?

M – Of course man. Have you forgotten your pass, again?

B – You know me Mas, I never bring it.

(Mason opens the door for both of them.)

M – In you go, idiot.

(Mason and Ben head towards reception, where they need to sign in)

M – Hey Tyler, you doing ok?

T – Best I can do. I think I'm still hungover. Anyway, name?

M – Mason Mount.

T – Go on mate. I'll catch you later. Name?

B – Benjamin Chilwell.

T – Who?

B – Benja...

(Before he has a chance to continue, Mason and Tyler both start laughing.)

M – We got you!

B – Very funny Mason, you prick.

M – I know I am. Oh, and Tyler, if Phil Foden shows up, let him in. I passed it off with everyone, and they said it's ok for him to come in.

T – Ok Mason, will do.

(Mason and Ben head towards the locker rooms, before heading out onto the pitch. Ben sat and watched as his friends trained around him. He was a little upset that he couldn't join them, but he realised that he could soon enough. All he had to do was wait. Mason runs over to him, and gives him a proposition)

M – Look, I've been seeing the way you've been looking at me today. Why don't you meet me in the chill out room after we finish, ok?

B – Mas, I don't know what you mean, I don't want anything.

M – Really? So, I've been seeing things then?

B – (Quietly) No. I want you.

M – Exactly want I thought. So, is that a plan then?

B – Yeah, it sure is.

(Mason gets called back over to training, whilst Ben starts heading up to the chill out room. After about 10 minutes, Mason enters the room, locks the door, and pulls he blinds shut.)

B – This feels like we shouldn't be doing it.

M – Why not?

B – Cos we're at work?

M – You do realise I fucked Billy Gilmour after a match, in the stadium?

B – You did what?!

M – Enough about that, let's just get to it.

B – Mind my leg, I don't want you damaging it more than it already is.

M – I'll try and go easy on you.

(Mason walks towards Ben, and the pair begin to kiss. Ben's hands start to wander, running up and down Mason's back, before perching themselves on his arse. Mason places one hand behind Ben's head, and the other down his shorts, rubbing his arse. Both men slowly walk backwards, until Ben is sat on one of the sofas, with Mason on top of him.)

M – Let's get these clothes off, shall we?

(Ben starts taking his t-shirt off, and throws it over Mason's head, onto the table behind them. He then starts taking Mason's workout top off before he starts to kiss Mason's chest. Mason feels his cock growing inside his shorts and stands up to take them off. Ben does the same, before the pair kiss again.)

B – Declan did always say you were a big boy. Now I know he wasn't lying.

M – You know he never lies.

(Mason takes his cock out, kneels over Ben, and starts feeding him his massive member. Ben takes the majority of it straight away, causing Mason to moan loudly. He looks down and sees Ben's perfect eyes staring back up at him.)

M – Your eyes are so perfect.

(Ben smiles, causing Mason to chuckle a little bit. Ben continues to suck Mason for 15 minutes, before Mason wants to fuck.)

B – Mas, I don't know if I want to or not.

M – I'm not gonna force you if you don't want to.

B – I will suck you till you cum though, that ok?

M – Of course it is, baby boy.

(Ben begins to suck Mason's cock again. He licks the long, meaty shaft, all the way down, and has a little play with his balls. Ben starts stroking his own 7.8-inch cock, as he continues to lick under the foreskin of one of his best friends. Mason was in delight. This was the first time in a long time he wouldn't be fucking someone after they sucked him, but he didn't mind. He liked to do different things, and not just fuck everyone he meets. After around another 15 minutes, Mason was close to cumming.)

M – (Grunting) Get ready, here it comes.

(Mason began unloading most of his seed into Ben's mouth, a little bit of it hit his face, but Mason thought it made Ben look prettier than before. He unloaded for the next 5 minutes, before Ben lets Mason's now soft member fall out of his mouth.)

B – Well, that was a tasty lunch, wasn't it.

M – I'm glad you like it so much.

(Ben got dressed again and left through the door leading into the next room. Shortly after, Foden walked in through the same door.)

P – Well, well, well. It seems we have a serial fucker on our hands.

M – (Getting dressed) We didn't fuck, he didn't want to. And you need to stop listening in on people fucking, they might invite you to join one day.

P – Well, maybe one day I might accept the offer. Anyway, you ready to get out of here, for your OnlyFans photoshoot?

M – Hell yeah I am! We have to give my fans what they want. It's also been a while since I made a video, would you be up for it sometime?

P – Daddy, you know I would. But we need to arrange that. No spontaneity in our fucks, remember?

M – Yes I know. Now let's go. I want to show off.

P – As usual.

(Mason laughs, and both men head out of the training ground. They headed towards Phil's flat he has in London, where all the equipment was set up. Find out what happens in the next scene: "Photoshoot Surprise")


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