Scene 18 - Heart Stolen

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(Mason loved the gym. Whether it was with his Chelsea or England teammates, or by himself, he loved working out. Everyone who knew him was intrigued by his passion and commitment to his health and fitness. The real reqson he enjoyed the gym? All the cock, arse and hole. Even when working out, Mason still had one thing on his mind. On one quiet Saturday morning, before the sun had even risen, Mason was in his local gym. He had completed his training, and was sat in the locker room, sweating and panting. He looked up and saw a familiar face. Mason really enjoyed Heartstopper, and now he had the show's star, Kit Connor, in nothing but his underwear, in the other side of the room. Mason stood up and approached Kit.)

M - Hi. Sorry to disturb you, but are you THE Kit Connor.

K - I am. Sorey to disturb you, but are THE Mason Mount.

(Mason laughs, and nods his head)

M - Indeed I am. I'm sorry for distracting you from getting changed, but, I'm a massive fan of Heartstopper and I just needed to talk to you cos... I mean, it's you!

(Kit goes red faced, before giggling a little, and staring into Mason's eyes. Mason stares back, before someone opens the door to the room, and both men stop staring, and look sheepish and embarrassed.)

M - Look, I'll let you get back to getting ready for your workout. Getting those strong rugby arms nice and big.

K - (laughing) You truly are a fan of the show. Well, Mason, it was nice meeting you.

M - Likewise Kit.

(Both men shake hands, before Mason heads back to his stuff, and picks it up, heading out of the locker room. As he walks towards the gym exit, thoughts of Kit's bulge and arse in those boxers take over, so he pretends to have forgotten something and turns back to the changing room. When he gets there, Kit has already left, but he has left his clothes out. Mason's mind starts playing thoughts, and he steals Kit's clothes leaving a note, reading;

"Hey Kit. Hope you didn't need these clothes anytime soon. Cos I kinda took them somewhere... wet. If you need them, come and find me. Mason x"

(Mason leaves the note next to Kit's locker, and heads towards the showers. He places Kit's clothes, as well as his own, in one of the lockers nearby, before leaving another sign on the door reading "out of order", before sneaking in.)

M - (to himself) I hope Kit gets the message and the clue. I really need some of that boy hole.

(After 10 minutes, Kit goes back to his locker, because he forgot his phone. He notices his clothes have gone, and begins to panic. He notices the note, and begins to read it. He srunches it up, bins it, and heads towards the showers. He heads into the room where they are located, and locks it, placing a cleaning sign outside it. Mason hears the door lock, and unlocks the shower door. The door swings open, and Kit turns around. He drops the note Mason left on the floor as he stares at Mason; naked and rock hard)

K - That's not real. There's no way...

M - It is real. God, I wish people would realise that it is real.

K - Can I join you and ride it, just so I know it is real, 100%?

M - I thought you'd never ask.

(Kit laughs, and starts stripping. He peels his t-shirt over his head, exposing his toned, hard abs. He then grabs the waist band of his shorts, before staring at Mason...)

K - Are you ready for this, Mason?

M - Hell yeah I am. (He says, with a cock twitch)

(Kit grabs the waistband, and pulls his shorts down and off his strong legs. He exposes his rock hard cock; stabding 9 inches away from his perfect 18-year-old body. Mason's jaw is now the one to drop.)

K - You like it? (He asks, stroking it a little bit)

M - I think you might end up like me, you know. I was a similar size at your age.

K - Will I also be as big of a sleep around as you?

M - I don't...

K - I follow your OnlyFans, so I know what you are like.

M - So we are both fans of each other then?

K - I suppose we are.

(Kit approaches Mason in the shower cubicle, closing and locking the door behind him. He stands in between Mason's legs, leans down and begins to kiss Mason softly. Their lips lock, and Mason expresses the same tenderness he is shown. After a few minutes, Kit begins to climb on top of Mason, the footballer eager to help hik accomplish this. Kit hovers above Mason's cock for a few seconds, readying himself for what lies ahead. Mason reassures him, and slowly, Kit lowers himself onto the impaling device Mason owns.)

K - Fuckkk, I think I overestimated how much I can take, Mase!

M - Don't worry. I'll help you ease in.

(Mason stands up, and Kit clings on to him. Mason turns the shower on, and allows it to run for a couple of mins, before he pushes Kit against the wall, making out with him every single second. Mason starts thrusting into Kit, getting three-quarters of his cock inside the young actor. Kit moans and groans into Mason's kisses, turning both men on even more. Kit guides one of Mason's hands down his body, and onto his young hard cock. Mason stops the kisses, and makes sure Kit is ok)

M - Is everything ok, do you want me to stop??

K - We aren't stopping until we cover this cubicle in our cum. Understand?

M - Yes boss.

(Kit chuckles, before pulling Mason back into kiss him. Half an hour passes, and Mason's thrusts into Kit, or his strokes on the actor's cock don't stop. Kit's moans grow louder and louder as he is slammed against the shower wall, before he shoots all over his own and Mason's chests and stomachs. Kit throws his arms around Mason's neck, holding onto him tightly. As his orgasm subsides, Mason slows down a little, but still gets every inch into Kit's hole.)

K - Thank you for such an amazing orgasm, Mason.

M - No worries, cutie. Now you can help me.

(Kit tightens his hole, and Mason already feels he is close. He starts pounding Kit, cause him to throw his head back, under the running water. It seemingly cools him down, as he tightens and loosens his hole on Mason's cock. After 5 minutes, Mason starts ferociously kissing Kit as he unloads rope after rope of his thick, fertile, white seed inside Kit's new, faurly unused hole. After 7 minutes, Mason's orgasm ends, and he flops out of Kit's hole. He turns Kit around, sprend his cheeks and starts eating his cum out of Kit's hole. Kit enjoys this, moaning in pleasure yet again. Mason cleans every last drop out, before he kisses Kit again, swapping some of the cum with him. He stands up, turns the shower off, and grabs a towel)

M - That was one of the best hookups I've had in a while.

K - It's a shame we couldn't film it. I would have loved to be on your OnlyFans.

(Mason grabs Kit's phone from the locker, and gets hik to unlock it. He writes his number down and saves it)

M - Now we can trade pocs, videos and arrange more hookups, whenever you want.

K - Just not on match days, or filming days, ok?

M - Deal.

(Kit smiles, before giving Mason one final kiss. He removes the sign from outside the door, wraps the towel around him, and heads through the locker room. He talks to one of his gym friends as if nothing had happend. Mason watches all of this, and laughs to himself. "That's the way to end a hookup", he thinks to himself)


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